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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Keighley News has great news about the Brontë Parsonage Museum shop.
The Brontë Parsonage Museum has one of the best visitor attraction shops in the country.
This is the opinion of Museums + Heritage Award bosses after they shortlisted the shop for their newest prize.
Finalists for the Best Shop award are being judged on their product range and marketing as well as their financial success.
The Haworth museum’s shop is vying for the title alongside the shops of National Museums Liverpool, Bury Art Museum, Jodrell Bank and the Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery in Exeter.
The Museums + Heritage Awards, now in their 16th year, recognise projects of excellence, innovation and ground-breaking initiatives from galleries and visitor attractions across the UK and overseas.
The Best Shop Award is new for 2018.
Rebecca Yorke, Head of Communications and Marketing the Brontë Parsonage Museum, said the shop offered Brontë-inspired ranges by artists and designers including Kate Lycett and Hannah Nunn.
She said: “This, combined with the excellent level of customer service provided by our staff, is key to the success of our museum shop.
“Many of our customers are museum visitors but we are working hard to establish the shop as a must-visit destination in its own right, and raise awareness of our online offer.
“Being shortlisted for this award will help us to realise those ambitions.”
Danielle Cadamarteri, Retail Manager at the museum, said: “We’re delighted to have been recognised in this way and I am tremendously proud of the retail team.”
The winners will be announced by the Rev Richard Coles at a ceremony in London in May. (David Knights)
Still locally, Keighley News also tells about the Brontë side of this year's Bradford Literature Festival (June 29-July 8).
Bradford Literature Festival is once again taking inspiration from the Brontës.
The summer festival, which will offer more than 400 activities, has programmed several special events in homage to the famous writers.
Organisers again want to celebrate Bradford’s historical connection to the writers, this year focusing on the bicentenary of Emily Brontë’s birth.
The festival will also launch its Bronte Stones project, setting four stones, featuring specially-commissioned texts by leading writers, into the landscape.
The stones will be placed along an atmospheric route between the Brontë birthplace in Thornton, and their family Parsonage at Haworth. (David Knights)
And Keighley News also features Michael Stewart's Ill Will.
Author Michael Stewart has just launched a novel imagining what happened after Heathcliff fled his moorland home and his obsession with adoptive sister Cathy.
The book, Ill Will, unveiled last month at Huddersfield Literature Festival, has already earned interest from top TV production company Kudos. [...]
Michael said: “My publishers have brought out a special edition of Wuthering Heights, for which I have written a foreword. You could, if you wanted, read Emily Brontë’s novel up the point where Heathcliff runs off, read Ill Will, and then go back to Wuthering Heights!”
Mike’s account of Heathcliff’s missing period sees one of the greatest anti-heroes in world literature roam a North of England that in the 1780s – the period in which Wuthering Heights is set – was on the cusp of industrialisation.
In Ill Will, Michael Stewart has Heathcliff form an alliance with Emily, a worldly-wise highwayman’s daughter, and they hatch money-making scams based on her claim to be able to communicate with the dead.
But although the new novel is a work of imaginative fiction, inspired by Emily Brontë, it required Michael Stewart to conduct detailed research into the social history of the late 18th century.
He said: “The late 1780s are fascinating, with industrialisation, the slave trade, the enclosures acts, highwaymen, press gangs and the construction of canals.”
“It was a very interesting turning point in our culture, and I wanted to take Heathcliff first into the agricultural industries of the period and then to Manchester, where we see the Industrial Revolution – the beauty and the cruelty of it. Then he goes to Liverpool to trace who he is, and slavery is part of that story.”
One phase of Dr Stewart’s research was highly physical. He recreated the walk from the Haworth moors to Liverpool that was made by Mr Earnshaw when he brought the boy Heathcliff back to Wuthering Heights.
Michael said: “It took me three days to get there. He got there and back in three days. He must have walked continuously without sleeping or stopping to eat!”
Michael Stewart’s fascination for Heathcliff and his period away from Wuthering Heights was triggered in the 1990s by an essay titled Was Heathcliff a murderer? by leading literary critic John Sutherland.
The seeds of an idea that led to Ill Will were sown, and eventually a period of sabbatical leave from the University of Huddersfield enabled Michael to conduct his research, including the trek to Liverpool. (David Knights)
The New Yorker tells about writer and podcaster Whit Reynolds recently asking people on Twitter to 'describe yourself like a male author would'.
Reynolds’s crowdsourcing was inspired by the young-adult novelist Gwen C. Katz, who noticed a fellow-writer complaining online about #ownvoices, a campaign started by the author Corinne Duyvis to increase the number of “diverse characters written by authors from that same diverse group.” The complaining writer was vaunting his talent for summoning female interiority on the page; Katz replied by posting quotations from his book, parts of which shake out through the eyes of a female protagonist, who may be the Tinder generation’s Jane Eyre. (Katy Waldman)
Stratford-upon-Avon Herald interviews executive producer and co-founder of Tread the Boards, Catherine Prout, who makes an announcement:
“We continue our love for the Brontës with a production of Jane Eyre, which follows on from last year’s Wuthering Heights and Brontë, then it’s back to a family show with The Wizard of OZ for the summer.” [...]
Tread the Boards 2018 season [...]
Jane Eyre adapted by Catherine Prout 6th-23rd September (Gill Sutherland)
Financial Times reviews the ballet Orphée et Eurydice, Palais Garnier, Paris, which was also a farewell for Marie-Agnès Gillot, 'one of Paris Opera Ballet’s all-time greats'.
During the 30-minute standing ovation, Gillot occasionally looked bereft. At one point, instead of standing under the customary confetti, she sat on the edge of the stage and dangled her bare feet over the orchestra pit. Briefly, her turn as a gauche, childlike Catherine in Kader Belarbi’s 2002 Wuthering Heights came to mind. There, as often, Gillot spun physical paradox into dance magic. With any luck, other stages will now welcome it. (Laura Cappelle)
SoloLibri (Italy) reviews Stephanie Butland's novel Lost for Words.
È attraverso le pagine di “Anna Karenina” o di “Cime Tempestose”, che la giovane libraia riesce a comunicare le sue emozioni e i suoi sentimenti più profondi quali la solitudine e le passioni. Spigolosa, introversa, i libri le piacciono più delle persone. [...]
Una serie di casualità, come spesso accade nella vita di tutti, la riporterà indietro nel tempo, a ricordare la vita prima di allora. Tutto ha inizio nel raccogliere un libro di un poeta di Liverpool caduto sul marciapiede dalla tasca di qualche passante. Nathan, il mago giocoliere amante della poesia, lo aveva perso in tram. La sua conoscenza, un uomo gentile e affabile, metterà a dura prova il rapporto giunto al termine con Rob, bello e dannato, docente universitario somigliante a Mr. Rochester di “Jane Eyre”. (Teresa D’Aniello) (Translation)
ABC (Spain) features the book Maestro Idro Huidobro. Memorias de un escribidor by José Jiménez Lozano in which
conviven y hablan Angélique Arnauld, y Platón, y Kierkegaard, y Emily Brontë, y Tolstoi, y siempre Miguel de Cervantes. ¿Habla él? Si lo hace, mejor que no se note. Él es, aquí, el apócrifo. (Gabriel Albiac) (Translation)
Captivated Reading posts about Manga Classics' Jane Eyre. The Brontës and their love of animals on the Brontë Babe Blog.


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