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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018 8:07 am by Cristina in , , , , , , , ,    No comments
Derbyshire Times reviews Northern Ballet's Jane Eyre.
Dreda Blow is brilliant in the title role, her deliberately guarded movements complimented by Javier Torres’ brooding and enigmatic Rochester- a believable and poignant chemistry between the two dancers allows Blow to eventually soar as the relationship rapidly develops. For me, it was Victoria Sibson’s portrayal of the ‘mad wife in the attic’, a carnal and highly sexualised Bertha Mason, that stole the show- particularly during her concluding pas de duex with Torres. The image of her cavorting in the flames in a torn scarlet gown, while Thornfield Hall burned around her, lingered in my mind long after the curtain fell. Thought I felt the creators missed a trick in omitting some a few notable scenes from the book, such as the Red Room sequence in which Jane is tormented by the ghost of her dead uncle, comprising more than 184,000 words into a two hour ballet is no feat to be scoffed at. A must-see for fans of the book- but this hauntingly beautiful production is bound to mesmerise those unfamiliar with Brontë, too.
Evening Standard tells about the events surrounding this year's Women's Prize for Fiction.
The Women’s Prize for Fiction is back to champion excellent books by female authors, and a five-day celebration is happening in London this month. [...]
To mark the announcement of the shortlist on April 23, Waterstones in Gower Street will play host to the pop-up Baileys Book Bar, which is returning for a third year to hold readings and discussions. Hosted by Women’s Prize founder Kate Mosse, the line-up includes Lily Cole, Juno Dawson, Viv Groskop, Catherine Mayer, June Sarpong and longlisted author Kit de Waal to name but a few.
Special events include a discussion on women, power and revolution, a evening celebrating the 200th birthday of Emily Brontë, and a night of female comedians. (Jessie Thompson)
On Female First, writer Christopher Lowery picks his favourite fictional women.
Catherine Earnshaw, (Wuthering Heights, 1847 by Emily Brontë), is a selfish, self-centred woman, who cannot decide between Heathcliff, her childhood friend whom she sees as her soulmate, and Edgar Linton, a man who can give her security and social position. Heathcliff is a complex, jealous man and when Catherine marries Edgar, he leaves England. But Catherine dies bearing Edgar’s daughter, after realising, too late, her love for Heathcliff. Upon his return, he is haunted by her memory until they too are reunited in death. This is a powerful novel of love, hatred, pride, greed, envy, wrath; in fact it could have been called, ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’.
USA Today's Happy Ever After interviews writer Hannah Fielding.
First author hero? Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre. (Joyce Lamb)
The Sewanee Purple quotes an English major as saying,
“Yeah! I’d rather be scrutinizing Emily Brontë than surfing with Jennifer Lawrence in Florida!” (Simon Boes)
This columnist from Diario de Querétaro (Mexico) reminisces about his mother's favourite film: Wuthering Heights 1939.
Creo que mi madre me habló alguna vez de esta película, sí… Cumbres borrascosas, a ella le gustaba mucho, yo apenas le puse atención, en primera por ser un chamaco de entre 11 ó 12 años aproximadamente, y en segunda, porque en aquellos tiempos la distancia entre generaciones y gustos era muy grande, no como ahora, donde, por ejemplo, el rock es claramente intergeneracional. [...]
Con el paso del tiempo, las vueltas del mundo y lo que esto conlleva, ahora, 40 años después, me ha llamado la atención esa historia. También tenía un prejuicio respecto a las hermanas Brontë, las escritoras, las suponía enormemente aburridas. Fue Georges Bataille con su libro La literatura y el mal, quien me condujo hacia ellas rompiendo mis prejuicios. Emily Brontë es la primera de una serie de autores analizados por Bataille en su libro. Hace poco compré este texto (Alfonso Franco Tiscareño) (Translation)
Womenews (Italy) reviews the book Figlie del Padre. Passione e autorità nella letteratura occidentale by Maria Serena Sapegno.
Molti scrittori e molte scrittrici si sono appassionati/e a tale relazione: dai tragici greci cui dobbiamo alcuni degli archetipi che continueranno ad essere rivisitati fino alla contemporaneità, come Ifigenia, Elettra ed Antigone, passando per Ovidio, Boccaccio e Shakespeare, per arrivare alle scrittrici dell’Ottocento come Jane Austen, Madame de Stael, le sorelle Brontë, George Eliot o Louise May Alcott. (Translation)
A contributor to Shemazing tells how 'reading books helped ease [her] anxiety'.
It is the perfect form of escapism. Pop into your local bookshop or to the college library and pick up any book that tickles your fancy; whether it’s a classic like Wuthering Heights or the latest Louise O’Neill novel. (Kat O'Connor)
The Stranger features the Bibliophilia Storytelling Festival in Washington which will include the following:
In Heathcliff Letters, audience members will shout out the titles of books they feel like they should have read in high school but never did, and then improvisers will perform a 10-minute version of it. Someone might shout "Lord of the Flies!" and then the performers will have to mount a live performance of Lord of the Flies on the spot. (Rich Smith)
The Herald-Independent asks the Monona Public Library staff members about their favourite books and authors and one of them mentions Charlotte Brontë. GoAnacortes also features the local library director who says she likes Jane Eyre. J.S. Cherfi posts about Jane Eyre. TweetSpeak suggests '10 Totally Fun Teaching Ideas for National Poetry Month' involving their 2016 Take Your Poet to Work series of colouring images of poets which included Emily Brontë.


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