The Telegraph & Argus informs of a new shop front in Thornton:
A new micropub could soon open in Thornton if new plans to convert a hair salon are approved.
Jane Jackson has applied for permission to convert 1 West Lane, currently a hairdressers with a flat above it, into a bar, spread out over both floors.
The building is in a conservation area, and is just a short distance from the building the Brontë sisters were born in, which is now a cafe. (Chris Young)
The revamping of
Chatsworth House in
Apart from Pride And Prejudice, it was the backdrop for a horror film, The Wolfman, starring Anthony Hopkins; The Duchess, with Keira Knightley playing Georgiana, wife of the 5th Duke of Devonshire and an ancestor of Princess Diana; and a BBC adaptation of Jane Eyre.
Diastixo (in Greek) talks about Thackeray and Charlotte Brontë's meeting in London:
Υπάρχει ένα περιστατικό το οποίο περιγράφει ο Τζορτζ Σμιθ, γνωστός εκδότης του Λονδίνου, στα μέσα του 19ου αιώνα. Στις 30 Μαΐου του 1851, έμπαινε σπίτι του επιστρέφοντας από τον εκδοτικό οίκο, όταν άκουσε φωνές και θόρυβο από τη μεριά του γραφείου του. Άνοιξε την πόρτα και έμεινε άναυδος από το θέαμα που αντίκρισε.
Η μικροκαμωμένη Σαρλότ Μπροντέ τα είχε βάλει με τον μεγαλόσωμο συγγραφέα του Vanity Fair Ουίλιαμ Θάκερι. Ήταν έξαλλη με τον τρόπο που εκείνος είχε επιλέξει να τη συστήσει στη μητέρα του, παρουσία μάλιστα και άλλων. Θέλοντας να σπάσει τον πάγο εκείνος, την είχε αποκαλέσει: «Τζέιν Έιρ».
Ο Σμιθ μπήκε στο γραφείο την ώρα που η συγγραφέας ρωτούσε με θυμό πώς θα του φαινόταν του Θάκερι αν τον σύστηνε σε κάποιους χρησιμοποιώντας το όνομα ενός από τους ήρωές του. (Read more) ( Πέτρος Γκάτζιας) (Translation)
Sevilla Info (Spain) talks about the first novel by Soledad Román,
No es Tiempo Para Sueños:
La protagonista es la joven Concha y otras dos mujeres de edades diferentes, aunque quiso señalar que no hay ningún sesgo feminista en el relato. “Me interesaba el devenir del individuo, en este caso una mujer, más que incidir en un status discriminatorio”. Para Isabel Cañelles (author of the prologue) “Concha es un personaje hecho y derecho como Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë o la Emma de Austen” . (Translation)
Excélsior (México) reviews the film
Lady Macbeth:
Esta película de William Oldroyd con guión de Alice Birch ubica la acción lejos de Rusia, en la campiña inglesa del siglo XIX, lo que recuerda mucho a Cumbres borrascosas, mientras vemos a la apasionada protagonista correr por los desolados páramos sintiendo el fuerte golpe del viento.
La historia gira en torno a Katherine (como la heroína de la novela de Emily Brontë), quien ha sido comprada por su esposo, que no la ama ni la desea. (Lucero Solórzano) (Translation)
Moviestruckers (Italy) reviews the film
My Cousin Rachel 2017:
Atmosfere che riecheggiano Jane Eyre, Cime Tempestose, Giro di Vite e Ritratto di Signora; suspense e tensione sottile dal sapore hitchcockiano, dubbi che si insinuano nello spettatore man mano che si azzera la distanza di sicurezza tra i personaggi. (Ludovica Ottaviani) (Translation)
The Book Addicts Guide to MBTI explores Jane Eyre as an ISFP type (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perception). The
Brontë Babe Blog explores Matthew Arnold's poem
Haworth Churchyard.

Finally, a post by the
Reverend Peter Mullins (the rector of the Haworth Parish Church) carefully locates the place where the Brontë graves may be located at Haworth Church:
We have frequent requests to identify the exact position of the Brontë grave(s) in St Michael’s, Haworth. Indeed, we are often pressed for access to what enquiries incorrectly assume (and often state definitively that they know) is a crypt.
The answer isn’t fundamentally difficult to work out – and may well have been worked out by others in the past – because the application for formal permission to build the present church in 1880 includes a plan which clearly shows the footprints of the old existing church and the proposed new church imposed upon one another, a plan which outlines a number of graves which might be disturbed during the building work including a neighbouring pair in the part of the church where we know the Brontë graves to be.

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