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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017 11:29 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Bucks Herald has a video interview with resident director Hannah Drake about bringing Sally Cookson's Jane Eyre to life on stage. ITV News shares the tour dates and places. Laura Wadey reviews the production as seen at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre.

Several sites continue finding Brontë connections in the new film Lady Macbeth. The Irish Times highlights the fact that,
As with Andrea Arnold’s Wuthering Heights, William Oldroyd’s bold film utilises a racially diverse cast. (Tara Brady)
The Independent describes main character Katherine as
defiant, wilful, carnal – and with a capacity for plotting and subterfuge that makes her at times seem more like Myra Hindley than the Jane Eyre archetype she first appeared to be. (Geoffrey Macnab)
Ara (in Catalan) describes the film as follows:
un film eròtic de baixes passions desfermades en què la fredor expositiva provoca incomoditat, potser unes dècimes de febre i tot, en l’espectador (i aquí és on compateixen alcova les germanes Brontë amb Paul Verhoeven i D.H. Lawrence amb Roman Polanski). (Translation)
More film reviews with Brontë connections, as Stuff (New Zealand) highlights a scene from Mal de pierres:
Cotillard, all female glow and threadbare frocks, with the sun perpetually silhouetting her legs, is reintroduced to the screen as the eldest daughter of the farm's owners. We learn that she has some sort cinematic womanly-hysteria by her habit of waving her body double's bits and pieces at the camera and trying to seduce one of her teachers while licking – yes, licking – a copy of Wuthering Heights. (Graeme Tuckett)
The Hollywood Reporter has interviewed Bruce Miller, producer of TV series The Handmaid's Tale.
Why was Ofglen named Emily? Is there significance to Aunt Lydia (Ann Dowd) — one of the "moral compasses" in this world — using her name in that final scene?She wasn’t Ofglen anymore. We had a bit of a naming problem. Try writing a story where everybody’s name changes every time they get assigned to a new house, it’s insane! We were addressing that problem with Aunt Lydia. In terms of naming her Emily, for me it was after Emily Bronte. I liked the name and I’ve always liked how fiery Emily Bronte was. But mostly we name characters by looking through our high school yearbooks. Putting more into names is often a fool’s errand for writers in television. (Amber Dowling)
Rodrigo Fresán continues promoting his new book La parte soñada. He speaks about his influences on La ventana.
“Los referentes y los héroes célebres que tiene el libro, que pueden ser (Vladimir) Nabokov, Emily Brontë y Bob Dylan en este, o (Francis Scott) Fitzgerald en el anterior, son escritores que trabajaron muy bien la reescritura de sí mismos para convertirse en personajes de sí mismos; algo muy tentador y riesgoso que a veces no sale mal literariamente, pero sale muy mal existencialmente, como en el caso de (Jack) Kerouac, (Ernest) Hemingway o Fitzgerald, que terminaron casi aniquilados por sus propios mitos. Nabokov y Brontë son dos extremos absolutos de una misma conducta: una es completamente salvaje, intuitiva y loca, y el otro es como una especie de científico total, muy cerebral. Eran dos genios, cada uno a su manera”. (Silvina Friera) (Translation)
The Spectator wonders when the expression 'plain Jane' was born.
There were precedents for plain Janes. Jane Eyre saw herself in the mirror as: ‘Portrait of a governess disconnected, poor, and plain.’ Mr Rochester is of the same mind: ‘You — poor and obscure, and small and plain as you are — I entreat to accept me as a husband.’ But then, the author makes plainness and plain speaking things to be proud of. (Dot Wordsworth)
In The Times, Tanya Gold discusses 'Instagram, bridezillas and an age of fantasy weddings' and regales us with one of her Brontë mentions.
I once spent a weekend walking round a wedding fair in the Midlands, and everyone was dressed as Charlotte Brontë without the tuberculosis. In their search for absolute individuality, every bride looked the same. It was very weird.
Charlotte Brontë didn't have TB, though.

Cherwell has an article on TV series Better Call Saul (a spin-off of Breaking Bad) and mentions Wide Sargasso Sea among other famous spin-offs.


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