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Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017 10:55 am by Cristina in , , , ,    1 comment
Hereford Times has good news for local Brontëites, if you are interested in Wuthering Heights 2017:
A rare chance to be part of a groundbreaking film based on Emily Brontë’s classic novel, Wuthering Heights, comes to Herefordshire next week.
Due for release next year, which is the bicentenary of the author’s birth, the film’s director Elsa Abrahall from Leominster is appealing for extras to help create scenes in and around Kilpeck Church next Tuesday.
Those who volunteer will help form the congregation for the funeral service of the book’s heroine, Catherine Earnshaw.
Previous film adaptations have ended with Catherine’s death, but Elsa, who fell in love with the novel as a seven-year-old, is breaking new ground by covering the entire story for the first time.
“We have got a dearth of costume,” said Elsa, who is delighted with the support the film project has received in Herefordshire.
“We have been filming for two years and this is nearly the last one apart from one more shoot in April.”
Locations in this region have successfully depicted the rugged landscape typical of Brontë country in Yorkshire, says Elsa.
Sites near Clee Hill have provided a necessary moorland backdrop.
Hampton Court at Hope-under-Dinmore and the Judge’s Lodging museum at Presteigne have also provided convincing settings.
Compared to BBC TV’s £11 million budget to screen Wuthering Heights, Elsa’s self-funded project has kept to a modest £100,000.
“We really have had to be inventive.” she explained.
But the recently released trailer has been “universally well-received,” she said. “It bodes well for the film, which is the only complete version.”
Produced by Three Hedgehog Films, the film sticks faithfully to the dialogue and has earned praise from the Brontë Society.
Elsa has high praise for the support received from various people and places including KC Horses at Bodenham run by Roy Moore and Lorraine Wadeley.
To be a funeral mourner or villager in the film, email enquiries@wuthering-heights.com (Ian Morris)
EDIT:  Covering the entire story for the first time? A bold but misleading statement as Patsy Stoneman herself has pointed out by email:
The very first (silent) film of Wuthering Heights in 1920 covered the second generation story as well as the first, and so did the prestigious 1992 Hollywood film directed by Peter Kosminsky, with Ralph Fiennes as Heathcliff and Juliette Binoche playing both the elder and the younger Catherine.  So did the 2009 ITV drama adapted by Peter Bowker and directed by Coky Giedroyc, with Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley.  I think there are more examples, but these should suffice to show that the new film is certainly not ‘the only complete version’.
The Guardian shares '10 top tips from our Brussels correspondent', the first of which is
Discover old Brussels, Brontë style
Charlotte Brontë was famously rude about Belgium, after living in Brussels for a couple of years from 1842. But don’t let that put you off the Brussels Brontë society’s fascinating walking tours, which offer a window into a vanished world. In a couple of hours you can unlock a few secrets, from a hidden bust of Peter the Great, which marks the spot where the drunken tsar fell off a fountain, to the long-demolished boarding school where Charlotte lived, worked and dreamed up novels. Check online for dates. Tours (around €10pp) may be possible for groups of 10 or more.
thebrusselsbrontegroup.org (Jennifer Rankin)
Daily Express has an article on curlews:
Anne, Charlotte and Emily would have heard the wader’s eerie yodels floating over the Pennines as they crafted tales of star-crossed love set in a bleak landscape.
The sinister Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre’s Moor House and Wildfell Hall become all the darker and intriguing by imagining the curlew’s onomatopoeic cries echoing off the buildings’ facades.
Look up the verb “wuther” – it derives from an old Norse word for the sound of a wild wind – and you can almost hear the bird’s wistful notes.
To Walk Invisible, the BBC’s festive biopic about the Brontë sisters and their troubled brother Branwell, was all the more authentic with curlew song and even a cameo appearance of one of these camouflaged beauties piping over wafts of cotton grass.
Archived television footage may all too soon be the only way to enjoy their grace. (Stuart Winter)
On WDEF, discussing the latest theory about Jane Austen's death (she might have been poisoned by arsenic), a Harvard University Professor states that.
Today, Austen is probably the best-remembered English writer of the 19th century, overtaking Dickens and the Brontë sisters, who 50 years ago would have had a higher profile than Austen, Lynch said. (Tfyfe)
Writer Esther Cross talks about rereading Jane Eyre as an adult in La Prensa (Argentina).
 Cuando releí Jane Eyre, encontré el miedo, la dominación, la intensidad, donde de chica había leído una historia de amor, trágica pero más lineal. (Jorge Martínez) (Translation)
Movieweb celebrates the 20th anniversary of the film Titanic, described as
a big, bold film. It recalls such movies as Gone With the Wind and Wuthering Heights. And sadly, 1997 would mark the last year that such a film was released. (Evan Jacobs)
The Daily Star reviews Jane Eyre.

1 comment:

  1. I repeat, as Patsy Stoneman before me, that the new one will not be at all the first complete Wuthering Heights screen version! There are already those others, just the ones mentioned by Patsy, and they cover the two generations and the whole book! Doesn't director Elsa Abrahall know about them? It seems strange....
