
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Sunday, March 12, 2017

WCPO has more details on the current Jane Eyre performances in Cincinnati:
"Jane Eyre" opens March 16 at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. But forget sweeping vistas of English moors and ornate Gothic mansions; this is not, according to the director and cast, "your grandma's 'Jane Eyre.' "
"'Downton Abbey' this is not," said Margaret Ivey, the actress playing Jane Eyre. "It looks like a very modern, very surreal world when you walk in."
Director and Associate Artist KJ Sanchez gives notes to Margaret Ivey (Jane Eyre) while ensemble members and acting interns Richard Buchanan and George Bull navigate the scene during rehearsal for "Jane Eyre" at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Photo provided by Aly Michaud.
The sleek set allows the audience, many of whom will know and love the classic novel, to imagine the scenery. It allows the cast to move quickly through the many scenes and settings and focuses attention on the characters' feelings and the plot.
"Reading the book, it's easy to get lost in the gorgeous adjectives Charlotte Brontë uses and not realize she's talking about love and lust and all these modern, sexy things," Ivey said. (Hillary Copsey)
The radio pick of the day of The Sunday Times is BBC Radio 3's Words and Music:
Radio pick of the day
Words And Music (R3, 5.30pm)
Clare Perkins, pictured, and Ewan Bailey are the readers in a messenger-themed edition, bringing work by — among others — Gustav Holst, Robert Browning, Anne Brontë and John Adams. (Paul Donovan)
More information on the Poet on Wheels initiative in The Telegraph & Argus:
It's time for rhyme as the Tour de Yorkshire returns to Haworth.
The Bronte Parsonage Museum has booked a poet to appear on the same day as the cyclists race through the village.
Winston Plowes and his Random Poetry Generating Bicycle will be in and around the museum on Sunday, April 30, from 11am to 4pm.
A museum spokesman said: “We wanted to be involved in the Tour de Yorkshire, but couldn’t face the cobbles.
“So as the cyclists make their way through Haworth, look out for our Parsonage Poet on a Bike – Winston Plowes – and his Random Poetry Generating Bicycle.
“Winston will be pottering around the Parsonage and Main Street, inspiring all to find their hidden poet. Lycra not essential.” (David Knights)
Helen Dunmore's latest novel Birdcage Walk is discussed in The Arts Desk:
In Bordeaux, where he worked before the Revolution, Diner acquired a French first wife, Lucie. She has mysteriously died. These conscious echoes of Charlotte Brontë (Jane Eyre), Jean Rhys (Wide Sargasso Sea) and Daphne Du Maurier (Rebecca) introduce a sinister Gothic note - a cult genre during the 1790s, after all. It recurs alongside the revolutionary theme, and shadows the tale of Lizzie’s quest to understand herself and her environment. We grasp that the first Mrs Tredevant will – somehow, in some form – return to haunt this story. (Boyd Tonkin)
Movieweb has an article on the 90s films:
Titanic is a big, bold film. It recalls such movies as Gone With the Wind and Wuthering Heights. (Evan Jacobs)
La Stampa (Italy) reviews the Italian translation of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls byElena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo.
Dalle sorelle Brontë a Margherita Hack:cento storie di donne vere, vincenti, ribelli. (...)
Tra racconti e illustrazioni si incontrano celebri pioniere come Rita Levi Montalcini e Frida Kahlo, Margherita Hack e Michelle Obama, Yoko Ono e Serena Williams, le sorelle Brontë e Cleopatra. (Nadia Ferrigo) (Translation)
Newsly (Italy) reviews the film The Light Between the Oceans:
La luce sugli Oceani sa tirare fuori tutto il dramma di questa coppia, rendendolo struggente impiegando due attori che sembrano talvolta volersi rifare a Richard Burton ed Elizabeth Taylor, mentre la fotografi di Adam Arkapaw si preoccupa di alleggerire la tensione saliente intrinseca al film, mentre la regia risulta piacevolmente divisa tra Wyler e Lean, e in particolare tra Cime tempestose e La figlia di Ryan. (Claudio Ruqiero) (Translation)
Love passion in a curious story read in La Voz de Galicia (Spain):
La pasión romántica es un pacto de sangre que va más allá de la muerte, como en las óperas, las novelas de las Brontë o las canciones de Melendi. (Nieves Abarca) (Translation)
Keighley News informs of the upcoming Bolton and York performances of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. RecluseRichard reviews Wuthering Heights 1992. Vitamia Lu vlogs about Jane Eyre.


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