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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 11:42 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Fortune reports how Audible's #AudibleVoices clips, which feature several well-known names reading excerpts from classics, have 'struck a cord' by not making 'blatant political statements or reference any current politicians by name. Audible lets the excerpts speak for themselves. Two of the clips are from Wuthering Heights, read by actress Lameece Issaq.

This columnist from The Tiger doesn't seem to enthusiastic about the novel:
Although many of today’s college students stopped reading books for fun with the Junie B. Jones series in 2004, Vonnegut’s work holds the potential for change. His writing holds incredible value for students force-fed monotonous classics, including but not limited to Gulliver’s Travels, Wuthering Heights and Jane Austen. Not to assert that these books have no value- every book holds something for someone out there. However, when every book requiring analysis follows the life of an out-of-touch, rich white man, books seem to repeat themselves. (Wesley Skidmore)
'Rich white man' is a description of Heathcliff (we suppose?) that we had never expected to find.

La nación (Argentina) also broaches the subject of young readers but from a different point of view: by claiming that awful as it may be, Twilight has brought many young readers to classics.
Por ejemplo, se podrá decir de todo sobre Crepúsculo, de Stephenie Meyer, pero Bella Swan es fanática de Jane Austen y Emily Brontë y es sabido que muchísimos fans descubrieron y se animaron a leer a estas autoras gracias a ello. (Fabiana Scherer) (Translation)
The Guardian Books Blog asks readers about their current read and one of them asks an interesting question:
Elsewhere, Alex42 poses a fascinating question:
Still plodding through Shirley by Charlotte Brontë. 30% of the way through and the author has finally remembered to introduce the title character, who wasn’t even mentioned up until that point. Does this book hold the record for the longest time it takes an eponymous character to appear?
Smart Bitches Trashy Books is giving away copies of the paperback edition of Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye. On the Brussels Brontë Blog, Marina Saegerman tells about a house connected to Arthur Bell Nicholls's family in Ireland is now up for sale.


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