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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday, October 30, 2016 3:11 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Guardian reviews The Visiting Privilege by Joy Williams:
In an unexpected burst of enthusiasm in The Trouble With Being Born, EM Cioran declares that everything by Emily Brontë “has the capacity to overwhelm me. Haworth is my Mecca.”
I feel the same about the American writer Joy Williams, it’s just that this Mecca is not so easy to locate. Now 72, she seems to spend her time in Key West, Tucson and points in between. The stories drift all over the US, with occasional forays south of the border. In one set in Tallahassee, Florida, a young woman called Audrey is telling her friend Tommy about Wuthering Heights. “Everything’s in that book,” she says. To which Tommy replies: “Tell me the whole book.” That, I guess, is what I’m supposed to do here. But how to tell the whole of a 500-page collection of stories spanning more than 40 years? Especially when I really want to just exclaim, “Oh, Oh, OH!” in a state of steadily mounting rapture. (Geoff Dyer)
Impact Magazine lists graphic Gothic novels:
Jane Eyre – Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre is a novella for those who are less keen on violence and gore. It contains more of the basic conventions of the Gothic genre, such as the setting in a castle called ‘Thornfield’ and a few supernatural events, such as Jane’s uncle haunting her from the dead.
Another selling point for the novel is that it challenges patriarchal society at the time. So this is also a novel for the feminists. It’s a ghost story without the blood and violence. What’s not to like? (Emma Heasman)
Some Strictly Come Dancing trivia now. The Telegraph discusses the latest episode:
Bruno [Tonioli] says "you went Cumberbatch on me, very Wuthering Heights, some WD40 on the hips will do the trick". (Michael Hogan)
And Digital Spy:
Bruno: "You definitely embraced your dramatic persona. It was like Heathcliff and Cathy reunited, a Wuthering Heights for this one last dance. I love seeing that, I really do. Coming out of your shell as a performer. Just a little bit of WD40 on the hips and that'll do the trick." (Sam Warner)
DNA (India) may be a bit exaggerated telling that Junhui Lee is the next J.K. Rowling, just saying:
JK Rowling's Harry Potter inspired her to become an author and Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, which she used to improve her vocabulary, gave her words to express her ideas to satisfaction. "It's the first time I read the unabridged version of a classic novel," she admits. (Pooja Buhla)
The Guardian (Trinidad and Tobago) gives you tips for your Victorian wedding:
Stationery—In your invitations and programmes, perhaps use quotes from poets and writers from the Victorian era, some of the more popular ones were: Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte, Lewis Carroll, Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti and Rudyard Kipling. (Simone Sant-Ghuran)
El MundoEl Español and Diario de Sevilla interview the poem Pere Gimferrer discussing his new book No en mis días which includes a poem called Wuthering Heights:
Algunos textos de No en mis días están entre los mejores poemas del Gimferrer de la última década. Destaca Cumbres borrascosas, denso, cargado de referencias, donde la España de hoy es atravesada desde una ironía que toma cuerpo también en la escritura de este creador. «Es una pieza de 2014, pero paradójicamente aquello que ocurría entonces se ha ido convirtiendo en un anuncio de lo que sucedió después.  (Antonio Lucas) (Translation)
Pero eso lo cuento en un poema sobre los inicios de la descomposición del PSOE que tenías marcado ahí y que se llamaría en español 'Cumbres borrascosas' [Wuthering Heights]. Pero no sé esto por qué te interesa...  (Mariano Gasparet) (Translation)
Como trasfondo, se perfila una realidad política que incomoda al autor pero que afronta en versos esquivos. "No darán sepultura al sabbat de Suresnes. / Necesitan vivir como no muertos", dice en Wuthering Heights, una pieza en la que parece aludir al congreso que el PSOE celebró en 1974 en el exilio. "La realidad está al menos en dos poemas que están en el libro", afirmaba el pasado miércoles en Madrid, "y en alguno que se ha quedado fuera. Sería largo de explicar, pero mi postura es que no creo que haya nadie que en los últimos meses haya quedado satisfecho con la actuación de los partidos que podían haber arreglado la situación". (Braulio Ortiz) (Translation)
Angersmag (in French) reviews the film Mal de Pierres:
Poussée par un trop-plein d'amour, elle poursuit de ses assiduités son professeur de littérature qui n'aura qu'un livre à lui offrir en retour : « Les Hauts de Hurlevent », une histoire d'amour absolu s'il en est. La scène se rejouera un peu plus tard avec le souffreteux André. (Florence Vasca) (Translation)
An alert from Polish TV. The programme Literatura na trzeźwo in the Telewizja Republika will discuss among others Wuthering Heights, today at 7.00PM. The Recovering Knowing It All posts about Emily Brontë's poem The Night is Darkening Round Me.


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