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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016 11:36 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Luckily, not every trainwreck is permanently shattered. In 1844, Charlotte Brontë melted down after she was ghosted by the object of her affections. As a young woman, she spent her childhood making up stories with her sisters, but she understood that her gender made the dream of a literary career impossible. Then she met Monsieur Constantin Heger, the intimidating, married proprietor of a girls school in Belgium where both Charlotte and Emily Brontë worked as teachers.
Heger took a professorial interest in Charlotte, encouraging her writing, lending her books to read and giving her special assignments. From Brontë’s point of view, at least, the two developed a passionate, enduring connection (it’s unclear if it was ever consummated, or even really reciprocated). Either way, Heger’s wife was not particularly fond of her husband’s adoring
protégé, and when Brontë left her job at the school, Heger cut off contact.
Brontë was heartbroken and wrote him letter after letter, each one more hysterical than the next. However, a few years later she bounced back and retaliated, Taylor Swift style. She wrote a series of novels about young women’s affairs with cold, older men — under a male pseudonym at first — including “Jane Eyre.” (Rachelle Bergstein)
The Straits Times (Singapore) presents the novel The Ornatrix by Kate Howard:
She also works in the university's trade union. Her long list of literary influences is heavily British, including the Brontë sisters, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy. (Lee Jian Xuan)
The Derbyshire Times tells the story of Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall and also adds how
The hall itself has been the setting for films such as Jane Eyre, The Princess Bride and Pride and Prejudice, so you may well spot this lovely place in many a starring role.
#amReading recommends Gothic novels if you like the Brontë Sisters. The list begins with a novel of Anne Brontë, who happens to be a Brontë sister too:
 1. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
If you’ve only read the works of her more prominent sisters, you should definitely check out this book by Anne Brontë. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall tells the story of a mysterious young widow who takes up residence at Wildfell Hall. (Aubrey Fredrickson)
A reader of the Portland Press Reader mentions Jane by April Lindner:
I’m late to being a Springsteen fan (I’m a classical music woman) but have come to appreciate him. I found much about the thoughts of a serious rock musician in the book “Jane” by April Lindner. She used his personality in a retelling of the famous novel “Jane Eyre,” making his personality that of the dark, brooding hero. (Marilyn Crowley)
The Sunday Times reviews the restaurant Bronte in Trafalgar Square and a Brontë joke was unavoidable:
Now it’s been taken over and redesigned by Tom Dixon and called Bronte. Why Bronte? Because it serves bran well? No, because Nelson, the bloke on the post outside, was the first Duke of Bronté. (AA Gill)
361 Magazine (Italy) lists several literary England destinations:
Non è possibile pensare ai romanzi delle sorelle Brontë senza far riferimento alla brughiera, affascinante paesaggio che fa da cornice alle opere delle sorelle scrittrici. E infatti è ad Haworth, immerso nel tipico selvaggio habitat dell’Inghilterra, che Emily, Charlotte e Anne vissero, tanto da far prendere alla zona il nome di Brontë Country. In questo villaggio della contea del West Yorkshire le sorelle crebbero respirando quell’atmosfera suggestiva che poi avrebbero impresso nei propri romanzi. Nella casa georgiana in cui le tre abitarono dal 1820 e in cui diedero origine ai loro celebri romanzi, è ospitato oggi il Brontë Personage Museum. Nei dintorni di Haworth sorge invece il Top Withens, una fattoria che pare abbia ispirato la casa di Heathcliff in Cime Tempestose. Ma numerosi sono i luoghi collegati alle sorelle e alle loro opere. Camminando per la brughiera dei dintorni, si può incorrere ad esempio nelle Brontë Waterfall, il Brontë Bridge o il Penistone Crag, la “grotta delle fate” menzionata più volte in Cime Tempestose. (Giorgia Lo Iacono) (Translation)
Il Librario (Italy) explores how attitudes about marriage have changed with time in literature:
Pensate a Jane Austen o a Elizabeth Gaskell, alle sorelle Brontë: la vita matrimoniale non interessa più, la protagonista celebra se stessa e la propria adultità con un patto, un contratto che la legittima come parte viva della società. Ma poi? Qualcosa s’incrina: basta leggere Middlemarch o Ritratto di signora per accorgersi che l’idea di matrimonio come prescrizione sociale rasserenante è entrata in crisi, e anzi la delusione delle aspettative iniziali accende un incredibile (e ancora attualissimo) motore narrativo. (Gloria Ghioni) (Translation)
Infobae (Argentina) discusses why we use the derogatory term 'chick lit' and not 'boy lit', for instance:
Hay cuentos y novelas escritas por hombres y por mujeres. Eso es literatura. Sin embargo, mayormente es así, a secas, cuando el autor es un varón. Si no, es "literatura femenina". Como si la visión del mundo sólo fuera universal cuando es de ellos. En Madame Bovary (1856), Gustave Flaubèrt habla de amor, de inconformismo y de adulterio, pero lo suyo es "realismo", mientras que a las hermanas Brontë, aunque todas sus obras son clásicos, se las encasilla en "romántico". (Daniela Pasik) (Translation)
Finally, a possible first edition of Villette will be on sale next September 29th. The George Mason friends (Fairfax County Public Library) have more information here.


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