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Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016 12:50 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
Radio Times uncovers who will play one key role in the upcoming biopic To Walk Invisible.... Flossy. Apparently the 'player' is quite a professional one:
Regal Tori (who shares her real-life home with Dodger, aka Buddy from Doc Martin) is no one trick pony, though, In fact, she's got quite the film and TV CV.
She’s the Spinalot dog from the old Winalot ads, carried a dagger in her mouth after sniffing out the murder weapon in Midsomer Murders, and you can also spot her among the crowds in Keira Knightley film The Duchess.
Tori has also acted alongside Matthew Perry in The Dog Thrower, played Miss Havisham’s Jip in Dickensian and will soon play Flossie, one of the Brontë’s dogs in upcoming BBC Brontë biopic To Walk Invisible. (Sarah Doran)
Daily Mail explores new trends for the Autumn fashion season:
It’s just that velvet hasn’t been a mainstay for some time, overlooked in favour of evening sparkle. Drag it out of the cupboard and wear it now. If you have a soft velvet dress, loosely cut and reminiscent of something a Brontë sister might have worn, you’re in luck. (Mimi Spencer)
The Guardian is listing the best nonfiction books. Number 31 is The Great Tradition by FR Leavis (1948):
Having, so to speak, cleared his throat, Leavis goes on to swat Laurence Sterne as “irresponsible, nasty and trifling”, exclude Dickens (finally reprieved in a later chapter on Hard Times), declare Wuthering Heights to be “a kind of sport”, belatedly admit DH Lawrence (“the great genius of our time”) to his pantheon, and set the scene for the majestic essays (on Eliot, James and Conrad) that follow. (Robert McCrum)
Also in The Guardian, an interview with the writer Tana Janowitz:
You describe how you submitted your early work to magazines under the name Tom A Janowitz… (Alex Clark)
I didn’t get anybody to read those pieces and then I think my mom and I said, look, it’s written from the first person point of a man, let’s just see what the reality is. And you know, Tom was getting letters from editors at Esquire… things had not changed really since the Brontës writing under the name of the Bells, or George Eliot. It was an interesting experiment.
The writer Lisa McInerney lists her favourite books for The Week:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
I have Brontë's family saga to thank for my appreciation of scoundrels in literature. The best thing about Wuthering Heights is its invigoratingly complex, deliciously human cast, all of whom are run ragged by the vengeful, resolutely warped Heathcliff. The ultimate antihero? Yes. 
The Columbian recommends books about books. Like Mallory Ortberg's Texts from Jane Eyre:
If you’ve had enough of conversations with real people, how about some imagined ones? We’ve all probably wondered what it would be like to have a cup of tea with someone such as Emily Dickinson, or a late-night dinner with Henry James (well, that’s my fantasy), but how about a dialogue with a literary character? Throw in a couple of smartphones, and OMG, suddenly you’re texting Jane Eyre! (Jan Johnston)
The title of today's column by Eva Wiseman in The Guardian is:
It's nice to hear a story that ends: ‘Reader, she left him'.
The Yorkshire Post and BBC News presents the new radio series by Melvyn Bragg, The Matter of the North:
The North also shaped our cultural lives, too. But not only through great writers and artists like the Brontës and David Hockney. “Culture is not just poetry and paintings. There’s the introduction of timetables which we’d never had before and better working hours. This led to the age range lengthening and medicines improving in our cities,” he says. (Chris Bond)
Think Cathy and Heathcliff on the Yorkshire Moors, Wordsworths' wandering clouds and Mrs Tiggywinkle in the Lake District. The Calder Valley's sweeping moors, dramatic hills and winding canals were home to Poet Laureate Ted Hughes, inspiring some of his earliest poems, including The Thought Fox. (Bethan Bell
Sects and Violence in the Ancient World posts about Wide Sargasso Sea. This is the book that writer Christina Hoag is reading now as quoted on Shelf Pleasure:
Reading now: Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. Rhys invented a terrific backstory of the madwoman in the attic from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, placing her in 19thcentury Jamaica around the time of the emancipation. The language is as lush as the setting, and we are reminded of how limited choices were for women in the past.
Ramon Perez shares his progresss on the upcoming Rochester comic for Archaia; Lion's Library (in Swedish) reviews Jane Eyre. Nick Holland on AnneBronte.org retraces the steps of Charlotte and Anne Brontë on their first visit to London.


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