
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Missourian reviews The Madwoman Upstairs by Catherine Lowell:
This novel is perfect for the Brontë lover in all of us and is especially appealing to those who have read the author’s three famed works. (...)
The Madwoman Upstairs” is creative and rich in vocabulary, even if it may be a bit outrageous at times. Laced with a forbidden love story and nuisances galore, this story is one that will leave the reader with the willingness to search for any adventure possible in everyday life. (Moe Godat)
Time Out London talks about The Most Wuthering Heights Day event in London:
Kate Bush fans of London, limber up: this Saturday is your chance to take part in the biggest ‘Wuthering Heights’ dance-along ever staged, at the Lambeth Country Show in Brockwell Park.
The event is called ‘The Ultimate, Ultimate Kate Bush Experience’, and that isn’t (just) breathless hyperbole. ‘The Ultimate Kate Bush Experience’ took place in Brighton in 2013 and involved 300 dancers in red dresses recreating Kate’s iconic ‘Wuthering Heights’ video. The dance went viral on YouTube, and now the organisers (an outfit called Shambush) are doing it again – this time with an amazing 1,000 Kates. It’s part of an international series of Bushy events on July 16 that’s being called ‘The most “Wuthering Heights” day ever’… which sounds about right. (James Manning)
Cosmopolitan lists some beach reads, like Jane Steele by Lindsay Faye:
Jane Steele has a few things in common with Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre: She's an orphan who suffers under the tyrannical rule of her aunt and cousin; she's shipped off to a ghastly boarding school; and she comes into the employ of a familiarly gruff and silent type, one Mr. Thornfield. But unlike the Jane Eyre, Jane Steele overcomes her obstacles with less ... humility. Jane Eyre's revenge is living well; Jane Steele's revenge is murder, and by the time she finds herself falling in love with Mr. Thornfield, she has to decide how much of her true self she can reveal. (Dana Glaser)
The Guardian has a very interesting thought on an article which was not easy to forget: The Very Quiet Foreign Girls Poetry Group:
Eszter, though, seems to have solved it: her critical writing is every bit as fine as her verse. As I write this, she is in a corner of the library, reading Jane Eyre. In all the recent updates and retellings of the Brontës, no one cast Jane or Lucy Snowe as an eastern European in England, because we always concentrate on Jane’s gender, not her class. But Eszter is experiencing education as Charlotte Brontë did: both as a precarious road out of dangerous poverty which requires ceaseless striving, and as the only possible means of self-expression. Eszter’s poems are as passionate as the paintings Jane shows Rochester, and also as accomplished, because she adores poetic form and will happily, indeed joyously, spend two hours adjusting three commas and a line break. She got stellar GCSEs. We hope she will apply to Cambridge next year. (Kate Clanchy)
Miami New Times talks about the singer Sur Back and her first single (Jane Eyre) off her first album Kitsch:
This can be observed most readily in her inaugural release, 2014's "Jane Eyre." Accompanied by a music video that alternates between shots of the expansive Atlantic Ocean and the claustrophobia of many a suburban South Florida bedroom, "Jane Eyre" captures Sans' acute understanding of both her unique artistic background and her capacity for impactful compositions.
Although separated by two years of heightened expectations and artistic growth, Kitsch fulfills Sur Back's initial promise on "Jane Eyre" with a maturity — both in songwriting and sound — that belies her sparse discography. Even on an EP, she demonstrates a control over pacing and progression that eludes many veteran musicians. (Zach Schlein)
Karl Davis offers his two cents on the new British Prime Miniser, Theresa May in The Huffington Post:
The cancerous smears of the Murdoch press, and the acidic bleatings of the Daily Mail et al convinced many that austerity was something to be applauded, even as their own prospects and those of their children didn’t so much shuffle back in time, they actually moonwalked to a samba beat all the way back to the era of Dickens and Brontë!
Ny Tid (Norway) reviews the novel The Vegetarian by Han Kang:
Yeong-hyes opphold på psykiatrisk institusjon minner om Amalie Skrams selvbiografiske Professor Hieronymus og den ikoniske «madwoman in the attic» i Charlotte Bröntes Jane Eyre. I Skrams verk blir institusjonen brukt som et kontrollorgan for kvinner som oppfører seg annerledes enn det «normale»; hos Brönte er alt det fremmede og truende lukket inne på loftet. Kvinnene blir også språklig innesperret i en diagnose, på 1800-tallet som gale og hysteriske; i vår samtid som nevrotiske og spiseforstyrrede. ( Birgitte Gustava Røthe Bjørnøy) (Translation)
TG Tourism (in Italian) has an article about Charlotte Brontë and Jane Eyre. Tansy Bradshaw reviews Wuthering Heights. The fascinating European trip on translations of The Professor and Villette led by Eric Ruijssenaars on the Brussels Brontë Blog comes to the Nordic countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland.


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