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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Vogue turns 100 this year and to celebrate they're republishing some of the best pieces published throughout these 100 years. And so today we have a 1924 article penned by Virginia Woolf. We'll highlight the Brontë bits but we recommend reading the whole article.
Sisterly his women readers must suppose themselves to be; and sisterly to Wordsworth, who should have had no wife, as Tennyson should have had none, nor Charlotte Brontë her Mr. Nicholls. [...]
More probably Emily Brontë was the passion of her youth; Charlotte even she loved with nervous affection; and cherished a quiet sisterly regard for Anne.
The Telegraph and Argus announces a new Brontë-related play by Haworth Primary school pupils.
Haworth Primary School is continuing its link-up with Brontë experts to celebrate the bicentenary of Charlotte's birth.
Pupils performed scenes from Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre. The Year Five children had already visited the nearby Brontë Parsonage Museum to look at artefacts and prepare their drama.
Head teacher Helen Thompson said the children were now working with parsonage officer Sue Newby and creative artists from Bradford-based arts group Kala Sangam to create another drama, for performance to the community later in the term.
She said: “The children are doing a guided walk to find out more about the local area and will be using this as an inspiration for their creative project.
“They will look at the small books written by the Brontës and consider how they used imaginary worlds in their works."
“It is a fantastic collaborative project, which is bringing the literary worlds to life. We are very grateful to everyone at Haworth Parsonage for their generosity and support in facilitating this work.” (David Knights)
New Zealand Listener features Jeannette Winterson and tells a famous anecdote about her:
Rewriting a classic is an audacious project. It’s worth noting that Winterson’s mother used to read her one of the few permitted texts, Jane Eyre, altering it on the hop so that Jane married pious St John Rivers instead of Mr Rochester and becomes a missionary. “Yes, extemporising in the style of Charlotte Brontë. So I did training in that.” (Diana Wichtel)
Augustin Trapenard, who in 2008 edited Emily Brontë's devoirs, now has a TV programme called 21 CM. Télé-loisirs (France) interviews him about it.
Si vous pouviez inviter un auteur déjà mort, ce serait qui ? Ce serait Emily Brontë parce que j'ai fait toutes mes études dessus. C'est pour moi l'écrivain qui a le mieux décrit l'amour et la passion dans ce qu'elle a de plus dévorant, dangereux et érotique. Pour avoir travaillé sur elle dans mes recherches, j'aurais énormément de questions à lui poser pour savoir si je ne me suis pas planté. (Translation)
Anika entre libros (Spain) interviews writer Lola López whose novel Cada noche, cada noche is inspired by Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita.
Por otra parte, la lectura de la obra de Jean Rhys, "Ancho mar de los Sargazos", fue definitiva para resolver la estructura de "Cada noche, cada noche". Jean Rhys novela la vida de Bertha Masson [sic], la loca incendiaria, esposa de Rochester, en la novela de Charlotte Brönte [sic], "Jane Eyre". (Lidia Casado) (Translation)
El nacional (Argentina) recommends a trip to Haworth.
Tan lúgubres como el título de la novela más famosa de las hermanas Brontë, Cumbres Borrascosas, las colinas del norte de Inglaterra, en Yorkshire, son permanentemente barridas por los vientos. Charlotte, Emily y Anne vivieron y escribieron la mayor parte de sus obras en el presbiterio -cuyo reverendo era su padre- de Haworth, un pequeño pueblo rural a mitad de camino entre York y Manchester.
La casa familiar fue transformada en museo, pero en realidad la localidad entera vive en el culto y recuerdo de las tres hermanas. En cuanto a las cumbres borrascosas, no hay que ir muy lejos para conocerlas y vivirlas. El paisaje y las landas que rodean el poblado bien merecen este calificativo, con sus ondulaciones apenas cubiertas por un magro pasto y árboles solitarios que tratan de resistir los vientos fríos y lluviosos. (Translation)
You can read about April in the Parsonage garden on the Brontë Society website. Togatus reviews the Wuthering Heights shake & stir Australian production; Bookriot posts several minireviews of Brontë-inspired recent books; Heroes and Heartbreakers lists several Jane Eyre derivatives or retellings. The Empty Shelf reviews Wuthering Heights. The Bookish Badger has read Jane Eyre.


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