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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Sunday, May 01, 2016 11:18 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Craven Herald & Pioneer announces a programme of free events celebrating the bicentenary of Charlotte Brontë in Lancashire:
Events will bring to life the places just over the border that inspired her writing, including the atmospheric village of Wycoller with its ruined hall – the real Ferndean Manor in Jane Eyre.
Pendle neighbours the Brontë moors, and so Pendle Council is launching a programme of 21 events from today until October 30 to mark the anniversary.
Pendle Council’s Brontë enthusiast, Sarah Lee, co-ordinated the programme, working with Pendle’s tourism officer, walk leaders, artists, photographers and storytellers to bring the area’s Brontë connections to life.
She said: “It’s often forgotten that Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne often walked across the border over the moors into Lancashire.
“Charlotte knew this area well, drawing inspiration from the landscape, turbulent histories, local news and Lancashire folklore.”
Tourism officer Mike Williams agreed, saying: “Pendle in Lancashire is little-known for its Brontë connections, but they are compelling.” (Daryl Ames)
The list of events can be found on the Visit Pendle website. The first one is today, May 1:
Sun 1 May 11am – 1pm
Walk in the footsteps of Charlotte Brontë
4 mile walk exploring Wycoller’s Brontë associations.
Meet leader John Crow at the Aisled Barn
Wycoller, BB8 8SU grid ref SD 933391
No need to book. Tel. 01282 870253.
The Daily Mail in the footsteps of literary giants:
They say it's grim up north - and this walk across the Yorkshire Moors does nothing to disprove the theory. The landscape might be uplifting, but the poets and novelists it has inspired were almost all gloom-mongers. Don’t say you weren’t warned...
We start at Haworth Parsonage – two centuries ago the home of the Brontës.
It was here Charlotte wrote the gloomily romantic Jane Eyre, Anne wrote the fierily feminist Agnes Grey, and the depressive Emily wrote the gothic nightmare that is Wuthering Heights.
Is it already time to do what Branwell, brother of the three sisters, did every night and slope off to the Black Bull for a gallon or two?
 Not if you want to make it across the moors, it isn’t. So instead, make your way across to the church, next door to the Parsonage, and take the footpath that skirts the graveyard and leads on to the Brontë Way.
This takes you across Penistone Hill and on to Haworth Moor – the terrifyingly beautiful landscape that inspired Emily’s novel.
An hour or so in, just after joining the Pennine Way, you come to the ruins of Top Withens Farm – thought by many to be the inspiration for Wuthering Heights.
When the wind blows the trees (as it usually does here) you feel ‘the intense horror of nightmare’ as Cathy knocks at the window: ‘Let me in – let me in.’ And let me out of here! (Christopher Bray)
The Times is concerned about how much Jane Eyre should have paid in taxes today for her inheritance:
Reader, I married him, but Osborne clobbered me for £600,000
Our great literary heroines and heroes are forever inheriting fortunes, but how much tax would they have to pay on them today?
“‘Twenty thousand pounds?’ Here was a new stunner — I had been calculating on four or five thousand. This news actually took my breath for a moment.”
So says Jane Eyre, the eponymous heroine of Charlotte Brontë’s debut novel, on learning she has inherited a fortune from her Uncle John. She is shocked that she alone will receive the full £20,000 but soon realises it will be a “grand boon”.
An inheritance of £20,000 would still be a boon, but when Jane Eyre was published in 1847 it was a vast sum — equivalent to about £1.9m today. (Ruth Emery)
BBC Radio 4's Poetry Please latest programme includes a poem by Charlotte Brontë: Parting.
Roger McGough marks a series of poetic anniversaries with a programme on the theme of time, memory and remembrance. Shakespeare, of course, makes an appearance, as does Charlotte Brontë. It's also a century since the Easter Rising in Dublin inspired WB Yeats and others to put pen to paper. More reflections on time and memory come from poets including TS Eliot and Thomas Hardy. Producer Sally Heaven.
DNA (India) has an article on the Elena Ferrante mystery:
Women writers, especially, have tended to take on masculine-sounding names because they perceive a male bias among publishers and readers. Think of George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans), or the Brontë sisters who wrote first as Currer (Charlotte), Acton (Anne) and Ellis (Emily) Bell. But a famous and recent example of this is E.L. James, Erika Leonard in real life, who took on the gender neutral initials because she felt that Fifty Shades of Grey's sexual content would be better accepted coming from a male writer. (Gargi Gupta)
Página 12 (Argentina) explores the life and works of Cynthia Ozick:
Desplazamiento, soledad y pertenencia: tres sensaciones que experimentó cuando comenzó a leer esos cuentos mágicos, y volvió a experimentar más tarde al meterse en la retorcida Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë, y más tarde cuando los poetas románticos la hicieron llorar en el baño de su casa. (Fernando Krapp) (Translation)
Electric Lit is re-reading Jane Eyre; Confesiunile unei iubitoare de cărţi (in Romanian) blogs and Jen Campbell and Emily Hornburg vlog about Jane Eyre;  Create with Joy reviews Rita Maria Martinez's The Jane and Bertha in Me; Blissful Blog reviews Patricia Park's Re Jane; Les Soeurs Brontë (in French) has a new imagined Brontë portrait using paintings by Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans; Mind the Gap (in French) reviews the French translation of Jolien Janzing's De MeesterWritergurlny reviews Margot Livesey's The Flight of Gemma Hardy; Multicatable posts about Wide Sargasso Sea.


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