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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Saturday, December 26, 2015 7:44 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Independent makes a list of possible places to visit in 2016:
You can hardly move for literary anniversaries in England next year. Anyone would think we'd been saving them up.
The 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë's birth is on 21 April. In celebration, a number of exhibits will pop up across the UK, including at the Brontë Parsonage Museum (bronte.org.uk), which was the family home. Author Tracy Chevalier will curate an exhibition titled "I Shall Go Off Like a Bombshell: Charlotte Great and Small". Another exhibition, "Celebrating Charlotte", will appear at the National Portrait Gallery (npg.org .uk), before moving to New York. (Chloë Hamilton)
An anniversary which is also mentioned in The Times.

Christian Science Monitor reviews The Hired Girl by Laura Amy Schlitz:
The diary-like format of "The Hired Girl" means that readers witness not only Joan's maturing thought, but also her growth as a writer. "Charlotte Brontë didn't have a superior education," Joan's beloved teacher, Miss Chandler, tells her at the beginning of the book. "And yet she wrote 'Jane Eyre.' I believe you have a talent for composition, dear Joan.... You express yourself with vigor and originality, but you must strive for truth and refinement." (Jenny Sawyer)
The Here and Now reviews the National Theatre production of Jane Eyre:
Director Sally Cookson’s version of Jane Eyre manages to maintain the lyrical and passionate words of Brontë and intermingle them with a fresh take on the time-honoured book. In doing so we are able to see how Jane became the strong willed woman that she is as well as letting the audience hear the voices of characters often overlooked and unappreciated in previous adaptions. (Bayley)
La Leggivendola (in Italian) reviews Shirley. A Christmas message from the Bronte Sisters. Sky Friedlander gives an illustrated guide to choose a Jane Eyre adaptation on Literary Hub. Not to be missed. AnneBrontë.org celebrates Christmas in style with Anne Brontë's Music On Christmas Morning.


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