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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Sunday, November 01, 2015 11:20 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Daily Express reviews Claire Harman's biography of Charlotte Brontë:
Readers of Claire Harman’s new biography will be left with little doubt about the origins of this aptitude for heartache, showing greater clarity than previous biographies about just how distressing Brontë’s world could be.  (...)
Despite a weakness for clichés, Harman’s narration of these devastating events is elegant, sensitive, beautifully paced and moving.
The connections she makes between Brontë’s work and life are often illuminating, and the book is full of fascinating detail about her writing habits, her early ambitions and her excruciating death at the age of 38 which seems to have been caused by extreme morning sickness. It struck just as she was finding contentment, having married her long-standing acquaintance Arthur Nicholls.
While this is in many ways a melancholy book, it is to Harman’s credit that she has also produced a work that is affirmative, edifying, inspiring and humane. It’s an admirable and appropriate tribute to its subject: a writer who lived a life of anguished strength but who wrote the works that would make those feelings sing. (Matthew Adams)
Author Jolien Janzing discussed Charlotte Brontë's confession and her secret love affair on Radio 4's Woman's Hour this week. She was joined by Charlotte Brontë's biographer Claire Harman.  This can be heard via this link at 32:14 minutes.

Mid Day interviews the actress Sonam Kapoor:
Her love for books dates back to the time her mother, Sunita, read out to her at bedtime. “I’d cry if she didn’t complete the story,” she laughs. “My first books were all Enid Blytons — the Famous Five, Secret Seven Mallory Towers variety.” But that was before she got into the Brontë sisters — Charlotte, Emily and Anne — and Jane Austen; those who taught her a bit about that that emotion called love. “I love the classic love story — you will laugh, but my favourite romantic couple is Heathcliff and Catherine from Wuthering Heights, and that’s a so-not-happy love story! Rebecca is lovely too, and I would want to make a movie of it. Jane Eyre is my favourite comfort read of all times! Aren’t dysfunctional love stories the best ones?” (Aastha Atray Banan)
Tania Gidney on S/F and bigotry in The Campanil:
There are things in this world I love. Videos of puppies, cool fall days where I can dress up like a basic girl with my pumpkin spice latté, and a copy of “Wuthering Heights.” You know what else I love? Science fiction.  
The singer and songwriter Seal is interviewed in the Daily Mail:
Last film that made you cry? The original Wuthering Heights with Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon – I’m in tears every time I watch it.
The story of a one-eyed cat in Deccan Chronicle:
End of December 2013. It was like “Wuthering Heights” day – cold and awful. My mother met a grey cat on her way home. Small, looking like about three months old creature was extremely thin, dirty, with wounded ear, and what’s the worst… with frightening looking eye.
A passing reference in Excelsior (México):
Me siento ante el doctor Luis Guillermo Ibarra, quien me observa, me revisa, me hace caminar lastimosa y exclamo: “estas ruinas que ves, oh Fabio…”, pensando en aquella niña subiendo como una cabra los riscos y montañas como de las hermanas Brontë, tremendos riscos encorajinados y resbalosos conducentes a la mera punta de La Bufa [.] (María Luisa Mendoza) (Translation)
Book of Secrets Blog has a sort of Halloween-like challenge that involves Wuthering Heights; TanGental discusses the National Theatre Jane Eyre adaptation.


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