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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015 11:14 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The December 8th screening of the National Theatre production of Jane Eyre appears in Keighley News:
A prestigious stage adaptation of Jane Eyre will be screened by West Yorkshire cinemas during December.
The National Theatre has received critical praise for its production of Charlotte Brontë’s famous novel.
Sally Cookson’s celebrated production, originally performed at Bristol Old Vic, will be broadcast live to 600 cinemas across the UK from the National Theatre on December 8 at 7pm. (...)
Jane Eyre will be screened at cinemas including the National Media Museum, Cineworld and Odeon in Bradford; the Vue in Halifax; the Showcase, Everyman and Vue in Leeds; Hebden Bridge Picture House; and the Ace Centre in Nelson. (David Knights)
On Scottish Book Trust we read the #ThankBooks contribution by the writer Anne Donovan, author of Being Emily:
Thank you, Emily Brontë.
Wuthering Heights blew me away like the tempestuous winds of Emily Bronte’s beloved moors.
An avid reader, I had devoured Enid Blyton, loved Dickens and endlessly re-read Alice In Wonderland, but Wuthering Heights took me into a world which fascinated, confused and obsessed me. I was lucky to read it at the right time; at thirteen the romantic spirit was ready to be awakened, but this was no soppy, happy-ever-after relationship that ended in a white frock and a walk down the aisle.
Its love affair is dark and harsh, rooted in the down-to-earth reality of a working farm in an inhospitable landscape. Lockwood’s visit to Wuthering Heights sets the tone: Heathcliff receives him grudgingly and the dog bites him when he pets it. That night he dreams of Catherine and, in an attempt to stop her from getting in the window, draws her wrist across the glass till it bleeds. I could not stop reading. (Read more)
The Sunday Times talks with the actress Agyness Deyn about her work in the film Sunset Song:
Agyness Deyn, who was born in Greater Manchester, landed the lead role of Chris Guthrie in the new movie by Terence Davies based on the classic Scottish novel Sunset Song, although casting directors initially only wanted to see Scottish actresses.
“Christopher goes to me, 'Ags, this is Scots heritage. Don't f*** it up!'” said the 32-year-old, who has compared the novel favourably to Jane Eyre. (Jason Allardyce)
The director of the film, Terence Davies shares her opinion in Sentieri Selvaggi (Italy):
È un romanzo di formazione, come Jane Eyre, altro libro che ho amato moltissimo. Alla fine della storia Chris è passata per molti cambiamenti, e ha solo ventuno anni. Nel libro c’è un’umanità commovente, questo viaggio di crescita trasmette grande empatia. (Cecilia Chianesi) (Translation)
Paste Magazine reviews the film Miss You Already:
Things come to a head when Milly talks Jess into an impromptu road trip to the Moors, under the guise of reliving their favorite book, Wuthering Heights.  (Christine N. Ziemba)
Claire Lowdon includes Claire Harman's Charlotte Brontë: A Life on the 2015's most impressive
literature titles list published in The Sunday Times.

Sam Jordison has to decide new reading for his Guardian's Reading Group. The topic is books from the Caribbean:
I’d also be interested to look at Anglo-Caribbean books. Bernardine Evaristo’s funny and touching recent novel Mr Loverman springs to mind. And there are plenty of more established classics. Wide Sargasso Sea might have been written in Devon, but I’ll grab any excuse I can to read that again.
James Tully's Crimes of Charlotte Brontë has achieved the status of conspiracy theory according to 15min (Lithuania):
Oficialiai teigiama, kad romano „Džeinė Eir“ autorės Charlotte Bronte seserys mirė nuo choleros ir tuberkuliozės.
Tačiau kriminologas Jamesas Tylly yra iškėlęs dar vieną versiją – rašytoja pati nunuodijo savo seseris. Pasak eksperto, jam pavyko rasti archyve įrodymų, kad taip Charlotte Brontë padarė norėdama padidinti savo paveldimo turto dalį. (Translation)
Die Presse (Germany) reviews Vor hundert Jahren und einem Sommer by  Jürgen-Thomas Ernst:
Mit vier Jahren wird sie von der Mutter in ein Heim gegeben, weil diese selbst wieder arbeiten muss, um sich über Wasser zu halten. Anders als bei Jane Eyre, der Hauptfigur in Charlotte Brontës gleichnamigem Klassiker, oder den tragischen Helden in Charles Dickens Büchern ist dieses Waisenhaus aber keine reine Kinderverwahrungsstätte mit grausamem Personal. (Clementenine Skorpil) (Translation)
mas24 (Spain) writes against the Romantic (with a capital R) idea of love:
La ininteligibilidad de un afecto supone negar la premisa mayor de modo que, a partir de ahí, incluso el dolor podrá ser justificado. Ya el sufrimiento fue marca de legitimidad en el amor cortés y los Románticos decimonónicos expusieron a los protagonistas de sus novelas y relatos a un dolor tan acentuado que cortejaba la muerte. Para quienes como Heathcliff y Cathy aman totalmente no puede existir defensa alguna pues el otro está dentro de uno y es uno mismo. (Susana Carro Fernández) (Translation)
El País traces a profile of the writer Lucía Berlin (1936-2004):
A los 22 ya estaba casada de nuevo con un músico de jazz, Race Newton. Lucia le dejó por uno de sus amigos, el también músico Buddy Berlin, con quien marchó a México y que resultó estar enganchado —"en aquel momento yo no sabía qué significaba. Para mí heroína tenía una connotación agradable... Jane Eyre, Becky Sharp, Tess", escribe en uno de los relatos—. Buddy fue el padre de los otros dos niños de Berlin, y en 1968 se divorciaron. (Andrea Aguilar) (Translation)
The Book Kat reviews Jane, le renard et moi  by Isabelle Arsenault & Fanny Britt.


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