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Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Wednesday, July 01, 2015 2:44 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
Miami New Times interviews the writer Meg Cabot:
What are some of your favorite books?
I have so many, so many writers I admire; that I loved as kid. I love George Lucas… I love Judy Blume, who lives here in Key West as well. She’s always been a big favorite of mine and I’m a big supporter and fan of hers. I love some of the classics, too, from Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë. (Shelly Davidov)
The Millions reviews the 1979 book of essays The White Album by Joan Didion:
Look again at “On Self-Respect.” The whole essay is an act of gender-bending. Didion rejects the role of Cathy from Wuthering Heights, and of Francesca da Rimini. Instead, she compares herself to Raskolnikov and says she wants to be more like Rhett Butler. She puts Jordan Baker’s manhood up against Julian English’s: Jordan wins. And then there are the references to the Wild West, to Waterloo and the playing fields of Eton, and to Chinese Gordon holding Khartoum against the Mahdi. (Franklin Strong)
Humo (Belgium) reviews the book Vernietiging by Jeff VanderMeer:
Wie iets wenst te snappen van het universum en de sfeer waarin de boeken zich gekluisterd weten, dient zich om te beginnen wat (om het éven wat) te kunnen voorstellen bij de combinatie H.P. Lovecraft meets‘Alien’ meets ‘Wuthering Heights’ meets ‘The Insider’. (Translation)
Publico recommends Wuthering Heights 1939, today on Portuguese TV (TVC2, 18:05h) ; Maybe, I Dreamt You posts a nice Wuthering Heights 2011 movie meme.


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