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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:16 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Spectator reviews Caryl Phillips's The Lost Child in which
Elsewhere, in a surprising but powerful section, Phillips transports us to the deathbed of Emily Brontë, picturing her in flight from reality and climbing ‘the short, steep staircase of her imagination’ into the ‘heather-clad world’ in which she discovered Heathcliff. (Alex Clark)
Wuthering Heights is one of the ten famous love stories selected by GraphoMania (Italy):
Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë ovvero come farsi del male reciprocamente pur amandosi tantissimo. Dopo averlo letto comprerete molte piantine di erica. (Mariantonietta Barbara) (Translation)
A columnist at XOJane is a fan of the novel while this cricket recap from ESPN's The Cordon uses the following simile:
When the time comes for Jimmy Anderson it's difficult to imagine a repeat, and not just because cricket trousers don't come with zips any more. Botham was England's Falstaff, Anderson has been its brooding Heathcliff. They seem to share little except for their positions at the head of the list of England's wicket-takers and a mastery of the spooky art of swing bowling. Even in that, they are separate. Botham was a tank, a wrecking ball, a force of nature with a golden arm. Anderson's artistry appears far more delicate. (Jon Hotten)
El Diario Vasco (Spain) interviews Mertxe Tranche, professor and women studies scholar.
-¿Quiénes son sus escritoras referentes?
-En general, las escritoras inglesas del siglo XIX como Jane Austen, las hermanas Brontë, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, a las que añadiría Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing y Jean Rhys. Y en castellano, Carmen Martín Gaite, Pardo Bazán o Laforet. (Elene Arandia) (Translation)
Yesterday was the birthday of Maria Brontë, née Branwell, mother of the Brontës, and the Brontë Parsonage Facebook page celebrated it by showing us a now-fragile quilt sewn by her daughters Charlotte, Emily and Anne. Caroline Holden shares a photogallery with pictures of the 2015 production of Wuthering Heights by the Northern Ballet. Headspace Perspective excited by an old edition of Jane Eyre.


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