
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:37 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph and Argus reports the latest plans to bring more visitors to Bradford.
As part of Growing Tourism Locally - a VisitEngland-led project funded by the Government’s Regional Growth Fund - Visit Bradford is joining 23 other English cities, promoting its industrial and creative heritage to visitors over the coming months, with special itineraries for the district including A Victorian Mill Worker, The Footsteps of a Brontë, and Footsteps of the Stars. [...]
As part of the campaign, Visit Bradford is promoting a number of itineraries including a trip to the Bradford Industrial Museum where visitors can find out what it was like to work in a textile mill in the 19th Century, a visit to Haworth to take in the dramatic moorland that inspired the Brontës, and a tour of the National Media Museum where visitors can go behind the scenes of TV and film production. (Emma Clayton)
Everyday Ebook has a Q&A with Samantha Ellis, who speaks about the origins of her book How To Be a Heroine.
EVERYDAY EBOOK: The book opens with a gentle argument between you and your best friend over whether you'd prefer to be Jane Eyre or Cathy Earnshaw. "My whole life, I'd been trying to be Cathy, when I should have been trying to be Jane." What draws you to each of these characters, and why the change?
SAMANTHA ELLIS: Well, originally I was very much a Cathy girl. I liked her wildness, her passion, her refusal of convention. When my best friend said she was selfish and a snob and ruined everyone's lives, I was angry at first. But it made me go back to Jane. I'd always thought Jane was stoic and dull, but she's full of fire, sticks to her guns and knows who she is. I still have a soft spot for Cathy, though; she can be petulant and violent and cruel, but as an awkward teenager, I needed a bit of her anger and even her selfishness to pull me out of myself and make me feel bolder. (Courtney Allison)
Aesthetica interviews the Northern Ballet dancer Kiara Flavin about the new revival of their Wuthering Heights production:
A: Wuthering Heights is a classic book but not a classic ballet, how did you find transforming it into dance?
KF: Wuthering Heights is one of my favourite novels. I read it for the first time last year knowing David Nixon had adapted it for ballet. I was curious to learn the story from Emily Brontë herself and I was gripped by her writing and vivid characters. I knew upon reading the book that it would translate very well to ballet. The transformation from written English language into dance vocabulary means bringing the characters from the pages into your heart and moving, acting and reacting as the characters would. Brontë’s characters have rich and distinctive relationships that can be interpreted through ballet with a conviction worthy of the classic novel.
Irish Examiner mentions the Brontës' use of pseudonyms.


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