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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
In  Turkey:
The struggle for woman’s place and voice in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and George Sand’s Indiana
Barbara Dell’Abate-Çelebi
International Journal of Literature and Arts. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2014, pp. 252-257

Abstract: The aim of my article is to uncover the deep semiotic relation existing between Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847) and George Sand’s Indiana (1832), highlighting the proto-feminist elements that characterize both novels and drawing a comparative analysis of the two plots centered on the difficult journey of initiation of two young women physically and emotionally imprisoned by the laws of patriarchal society. Both novels follow a track of self-discovery through a progressive and circular development that shows below the surface plot, affirming social conventions, a submerged plot encoding rebellion. Through a semiotic analysis of the deep structure of the two novels my article intends to reveal a three-stage development of the protagonists, strictly connected to their progressive awakening to romantic and physical love. Moreover an analysis of the isotopic structure of the two texts will show how the dichotomy Nature vs. Culture undermines the two plots, from the micro to the macro levels of the texts. The conflict between Nature and Culture is at the origin of other thematic and figurative isotopies: love vs. marriage, physical vs. spiritual love, freedom vs. slavery, faith vs. religion, Creole vs. English, dark vs. light etc. These isotopies underline and support in both novels a distortion of the formalized conventions of love, highlighting the thematic conflict between woman’s individual desire and the limits set to her within a patriarchal society. 
In Romania:
On the Representations of Parent-Child Relationships in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Alina Bujor (Pintilii)
Cultural Intertexts, Vol 1-2, 2014, p.30

The paper aims at analysing the parent-child relationships in Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre, with special emphasis on the relationship between Jane Eyre, the protagonist of the novel, and her aunt, Mrs. Reed. For this purpose, it begins by presenting the traits of the domestic Victorian ideal as well as those of the so-called “transnormative family”, to ultimately show that the Victorian domestic ideal was not valid for everyone, which had a great impact on both parents and children in the process of upbringing. Then, the paper considers the representations of Victorian domestic
relationships in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, which the author of the novel uses to demonstrate that a strong character and an iron will, like those of the protagonist, can make a difference and change destinies.
In Ucrania:
Female Images of the Juvenile Work by Ch. Brontë "Stancliffe's Hotel" in Their Contrast and Variation
O. Besarab
УДК 82.09/801.73/82-27/821.161.2/82'06
м. Київ

The article deals with early unknown Ch. Brontë's juvenile creative work «Stancliffe's Hotel» (1838), one of the components o f the circle o f imaginary country of Angria. The study of this work will assist us in enlarging the gallery o f female images of the writer, will help us to see new variants of Brontë's woman.


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