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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 10:14 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Bustle selects 'eight Netflix gems expiring February 1 that you should catch while you still have the chance' and one of them is
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre is one of the best Victorian novels, and the 2011 adaptation featuring Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre and Michael Fassbender as the hard-hearted Mr. Rochester is fairly solid and true to the novel, although Jane is supposed to be homely and Rochester very severe looking. I guess Hollywood needed a beautiful Jane. (Maitri Mehta)
The film also makes it onto Slate's list of 'good watch' and is the object of a blunder on Fox 2 Now St. Louis.
Jane Eyre – When Jane is hired as governess for the ward of Mr. Rochester, a complex courtship begins in this miniseries adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s novel.
It looks as if the writer found the film a tad too long.

The Irish Times interviews writer Dacia Maraini:
Who is your favourite fictional character? First of all Antigone, whom I think is a beautiful character. But also Jane Eyre, Effie Brist and La Pisana (strong character of a girl in the novel Le Confessioni di un Italiano , by Ippolito Nievo, an author of the 19th century). (Martin Doyle)
Weekly Record has three people recommend a few books:
Laura O'Grady, Martin Library youth services librarian, recently read "We Were Liars" by E. Lockhart.
"It's a cool trend," O'Grady said, to see adults checking out books such as "The Fault in Our Stars" and "The Hunger Games."
But winter is also a great time to "revisit the classics," she said, like "Wuthering Heights" and "Great Expectations." [...]
O'Grady: "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë — the dark setting makes it feel like winter the entire book. . . (Jess Krout)
We are not sure this reader from Planet Siol (Slovenia) would agree:
Prevajalec in stand up komik Boštjan Gorenc - Pižama se pri branju knjig drži navodila, ki jim ga je na fakulteti razodela profesorica Meta Grosman, in sicer da je osnovna pravica bralca, da lahko knjigo odloži neprebrano. "Dokaj ironično je, da sem se te krilatice držal ravno pri eni od knjig, ki smo jih morali prebrati pri njenem predmetu o viktorijanskem romanu."
"V obup me je spravljala Emily Brontë s svojim Viharnim vrhom (Wuthering Heights), pri katerem sem po treh poskusih vsakič ostal v baznem taboru na nadmorski višini okrog dvajsetega poglavja. Ker sem knjigo vseeno moral predelati in se je vse to dogajalo v internetni juri ali kredi, torej v času pred wikipedijo, sem se do vrha prebil v navezi s Spark's Notes. Zmagoslavne zastave osvajalca v to knjigo tako nisem zabodel." (Deja Crnović) (Translation)
Bernard Ingham on Winston Churchill in The Yorkshire Post:
I used to have this vision of Churchill, the guerrilla leader, directing us in the war against a Nazi occupation from Wuthering Heights.
Scatterbook posts about Feminism in Wuthering Heights.

EDIT: The A3TV (Spain) gameshow Boom featured a Brontë-related question today:


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