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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015 9:53 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News has an article on the closed period at the Brontë Parsonage Museum.
The Brontë Parsonage Museum may be closed but for staff it’s the busiest time of year.
The historic rooms that originally provided a home for the famous writing sisters are a hive of activity.
Staff are carrying out hundreds of annual tasks at the Haworth museum in readiness for the public returning when the doors reopen next month.
They are not only carrying out general repairs, decorative and maintenance tasks that have built up during the previous 11 months.
They are also checking every one of the items on permanent display and preparing major exhibitions that will run for the whole of 2015.
The Brontë Parsonage Museum is never open during January because there are always so many jobs that cannot be done while the public are present.
Collections manager Ann Dinsdale said: “There’s a huge amount of work that goes on. I think people imagine the winter is a quiet time for us, but it’s probably the busiest time.
“It’s the only time of year when we can do any maintenance work. Everything is cleaned. We check the entire collection for any deterioration, including the furniture.”
The staff are also preparing for the installation of a new exhibition of poetry and photographs in the foyer gallery area. (David Knights)
Southern Daily Echo reviews Maskers Theatre Company's take on Lucy Gough's stage adaptation of Wuthering Heights.
Using a strong element of physical theatre Maskers has created a fast-paced, highly visual production to tell one of the most enduring love stories of all time.
Through skilful stage combat, a cutting script and the use of the moors themselves as a tangible element the characters in Wuthering Heights transcend the boundaries of human emotion in this thrilling show.
The Austin Chronicle discusses illustrated books and states that,
You can't hurt a book by illustrating it, as evidenced by the website Jane Eyre Illustrated, which puts hundreds of editions side-by-side for comparison. Dame Darcy's wonderful Illustrated Jane Eyre is indispensable. (Amy Gentry)
The Daily Geekette shares her views on Gordon & Caird's Jane Eyre. The Musical CD.


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