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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014 9:44 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Winston View on what to give book lovers for Christmas:
For the book lover, there are pretty hard cover editions of classic novels like Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Wuthering Heights.  These books are budget friendly, coming in at under $20. It doesn’t matter if she already has a copy; these beautiful hard covers will quickly replace the old paperback she has on the shelf. She’ll be so happy you took her love of a classic novel to the next level by giving her the ability to read a hard cover edition, the way these books were meant to be read. (Scott Heggen)
While film lovers may enjoy this compilation by IndieWire's The Playlist: The 20 Best Movie Posters Of 2014.
16. “Winter Sleep
Divisive as Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s epic Palme d’Or winner is around these parts, it is at times certainly very beautiful. This one-sheet, a clever mix of Drew Struzan and what looks like rotoscoping, encapsulates that harsh beauty, but also gets at the bookish tone of the film, and the fraught relationship between the central husband and wife, with the snowy wind whipping their hair about as the man hides his face in... shame? Defeat? Exhaustion? The generous wide vista puts the Cathy-and-Heathcliff vibe into context though, something that, arguably, the film, with its tendency for tighter, more claustrophobic interior shots, could use more of.
More Wuthering Heights inspiration behind films as 411 Mania lists the top 8 'high fantasy films':
#5: Labyrinth (1986)
Labyrinth is one of those films that does start in the real world, but it quickly transitions to the realm of high fantasy. Jim Henson directed this film and while its failure to become a financial success effectively ended his career behind the camera, it is one that he can be proud of on a creative level. Jennifer Connelly fulfills the “hero on a quest” role as Sarah, a girl who must rescue her baby brother from David Bowie’s goblin king Jareth before he’s claimed forever. Henson relied on his puppetry pedigree to make this one work, combining darker elements with very kind-friendly stuff to make an odd sort of film that appeals to many different types of people. Bowie does fine work as the evil Jareth and designer Brian Froud did amazing work, using literary sources such as Wuthering Heights as an inspiration for his visuals. It has become recognized as one of the greats of that era, and rightly so. (Jeremy Thomas)
The Los Angeles Times recalls Wanda Coleman's early experiences of public libraries:
In her 2005 book “The Riot Inside Me,” Coleman recalls her early visits to the library, although even there, she writes, she was required to work the system: “At that time,” she tells us, “books were segregated — you had boys’ literature and girls’ literature. When I went to the library (Ascot and Downtown branches), I could read ‘Cheryl Crane, Nurse,” books by the Brontë sisters, and Nancy Drew mysteries — yes, those horrible things! But I wasn’t allowed to read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or H.P. Lovecraft — the boy’s books.”
Her solution? “I would have my father go to the library with me. I would pick out what I wanted and he would check the books out. … Then I could read to my heart’s content!” (David L. Ulin)
Petoskey News has an article on flowering plants and quotes from The Tenant of Wildfell Hall:
Personally, I have had a special affinity for the white hellebore or ‘Christmas rose’. In Anne Brontë’s 1848 novel, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, her intrepid hero leaps out the window for his love to pluck a handful of the flowers blooming in the snow. Based on the novel’s description, however, I still had no idea what I was seeing when I first spotted a wooded English hillside covered with hellebores in full bloom. (Mary Agria)
The Starving Artist reviews Wide Sargasso Sea.


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