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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:00 pm by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Museum Association Journal reports the Brontë Society emergency general meeting taking place this weekend at Haworth.
The chairwoman of the Brontë Society, which runs the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth, West Yorkshire, has stepped down just 26 days into her 12-month term.
The society said Christine Went had been forced to take the decision due to "ill health and an urgent family matter". She was appointed as chairwoman on 6 September after a unanimous vote, and formally stepped down on 2 October. Went had previously been a member of the society for four years.
Her resignation came ahead of an extraordinary general meeting (EGM), which takes place this Saturday. A group of more than 50 members have forced the meeting amid a number of allegations about the conduct of the council.
These included a claim that the council attempted to call an EGM to overturn a vote at the society’s AGM in June that defeated motions to extend the chairman of trustees' term of office and give the council the power to summarily expel trustees and members.
The group said the meeting would include discussion about electing a new council in order to “modernise” the organisation and bring “higher levels of professionalism and experience to the society”.
However, a clause in the Company Act prevents a vote removing the current council.
Doreen Harris, the honorary secretary of the society, who has taken on the work of the chairwoman until an appointment is made, said: “Regarding the EGM, we look forward to a frank exchange of views to enable the Brontë Society to go forward into the bicentenary period a stronger and more united organisation.” (Rebecca Atkinson)
TES has a letter from a head of English on the new English literature syllabus.
Perhaps it’s not actually who is speaking that they are objecting to, but what they’re saying. Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre also features on OCR’s syllabus, but from nowhere has come the suggestion that this honest portrayal of the tribulations of a 19th century governess is unsuitable material for our children, despite the fact that the novel was initially condemned by critics for violating “every code, human and divine”.
It seems that social comment is acceptable as long as it’s studied at a safe historical distance. God forbid that, after reading about Brand’s call for a more compassionate approach to drug addiction, Dizzee’s ideas about Britishness or Moran’s opinions about the treatment of women in the 21st century, rigorous linguistic analysis might be also accompanied by some classroom discussion of the UK’s (failing) drugs legislation or the gender pay gap. (Alexandra Smith)
Sentieri Selvaggi (Itali) mentions François Truffaut's Les Deux Anglaises et le Continent:
“Aveva dei problemi personali, che risolse tuffandosi nelle Due inglesi. […] Per i due terzi seguì pressappoco la mia stesura, ma nell’ultima parte – la morte di Anne e della madre – apportò alcuni elementi nuovi: stava leggendo la biografia di Branwell Brontë scritta da Daphne Du Maurier, e si ispirò un poco alle Brontë”  [Fragment from J. Gruault, Il segreto perduto, in Il romanzo di François Truffaut, cit., p. 86] (Translation)
Marie Claire (Italy) finds a Brontëite in writer Valentina D'Urbano:
I tuoi miti? Le sorelle Brontë, che prego quando ho il blocco dello scrittore “santa Emily aiutami tu”. (Laura Goria) (Translation)
Forbes features a type of gin called Caorunn and finds potential drinkers:
Carounn (sic) is also made with the following: heather (Scottish Highlands heather—think of it, this could be the official gin of Wuthering Heights fans), Coul Blush apple, dandelion for an herbal twist and rowan berry—a traditional medicinal herb of the Highlands. (Katie Kelly Bell)
female arts reviews the Butterfly Psyche Wuthering Heights production:
Jazz Hazelwood's direction is sharp, well-realised and manages to expertly lead the actors through the complexity of their many shifts and character changes with success and vivacity. She navigates a concept, which could have easily slipped into absurdism into an elegant, engaging example of storytelling.
This is a play that will please even the most avid lovers of the book, whilst holding its own as a brilliant production in its own right. A thoroughly enjoyable and captivating piece of theatre that held the audience's attention from start to Finish. I look forward to seeing more from both Butterfly Psyche and Livewire Theatre.  (Naia Headland-Vanni)
Girls Love to Read posts an entry by Zana Bell talking about Jane Eyre vs Wuthering Heights.


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