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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014 11:08 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Whatsonstage reviews the Wuthering Heights performances by the Red Rose Chain Theatre Company:
Joanna Carrick's adaptation has designs by David Newborn which plant us firmly in a churchyard, perhaps even the one which bordered Haworth parsonage. Clad in permutations of pinks and purples, the eight actors are white-faced and skull-eyes, their shoulders increasingly powdered wih grave dust.
As Catherine Earnshaw, Kirsty Thorpe gives a fine performance which lays bare the character's dual yearnings – for the dangerous excitement which is Heathcliff (Daniel Abbott)'s aura and the genteel civilisation offered, on the surface, at any rate, by Isabella (Lucy Telleck) and Edgar (Laurence Pears) Linton. (Anne Morley-Priestman)
Time Magazine reviews the new TV series Outlander:
 Either way, Claire and Frank spend almost all their time having sex in derelict castle cellars and creaky hotel rooms, but Claire — like Heathcliff and Cathy before her — clearly needs to unbridle her passions all over some moors, ASAP. That’s a problem that can only be solved by time travel! (Mehera Bonner)
The Guardian is covering the Edinburgh International Book Festival:
This set us thinking about the tradition of "other spouse stories" that has grown up since Jean Rhys burgled Jane Eyre to write Wide Sargasso Sea , about the first Mrs Rochester. (Moira Redmont)
The Star lists several rambling possibilities around Yorkshire:
 Dearne Valley Ramblers, SUN 10 AUG, 7½-mile moderate leaves Penistone Hill Country Park, Haworth, at 10.30am. This Brontë Way Walk leaves the car park and takes in the Bronte water falls and crosses over the Brontë Bridge, making its way to the ruins of Top Withins – allegedly Wuthering Heights. The walk finishes in Haworth. Car sharing is recommended with those taking part meeting at Elsecar Heritage Centre. (See website for details.) All walkers are welcome on walks and at ordinary meetings, members and non-members. For more information, and contact details of walk leaders, visit www.dearnevalleyramblers.org.uk/.
Several newspapers recollect the Northern Ireland's Perfect Library list which includes Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights; a Jane Eyre reading at a wedding in Louth Leader; a correspondent to Leicester Mercury remembers her part in a Dramatical Society 1966 performance of Wuthering Heights; La Guida TV (Italy) talks about a local screening of Wuthering Heights 1992 (Sky Cinema, August 11, 17:10 h); Stalker (in French) posts the article Le secret démoniaque dans Hurlemont d’Emily Brontë, par Francis Moury; Charlotte Brontë Meets Modern World posts a Jane Eyre Grills Cheese recipe.


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