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    4 months ago

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Business Insider gives some of the reasons behind Yorkshire being awarded the Best European Destination in 2014:
There’s a rich literary history here. You can visit the village of Heptonstall and find Sylvia Plath’s grave, or visit the Brontë Parsonage Museum in the town of Haworth. (Jill Comoletti)
Tim Parks in the New York Review of Books expresses his concerns about that common idea that it doesn't matter what you read, because if you read there is a chance that someday you will read something good. Quoting from an essay by W.H. Auden where he tells about his addiction to detective novels, he says:
Auden, it should be noted, does not propose to stop reading detective novels—he continues to enjoy them—and expresses no regret that people read detective novels rather than, say, Faulkner or Charlotte Brontë, nor any wish that they use detective novels as a stepping stone to “higher things.” He simply notes that he has to struggle to control his addiction, presumably because he doesn’t want to remain trapped in a repetitive pattern of experience that allows no growth and takes him nowhere. 
The Telegraph reviews Goldeneye: Where Bond Was Born, Ian Fleming's Jamaica by Matthew Parker:
Parker’s highly readable account of Fleming’s Jamaican life is less Thunderball, and more Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea. Bond himself might have been a touch jealous. No matter how self-destructive and agonised Fleming’s later life seemed, there was still love (even if filled with anger) and fulfilment of sorts, both of which 007 was always denied. He was never allowed to retire to Goldeneye. (Sinclair McKay)
The Guardian has an interesting post on the origins of the expression Spoiler Alert:
 The "plot" kind of spoiler, though, goes back at least to 1971 and a piece in the satirical magazine National Lampoon which noted that "the average American has more excitement in his daily life than he can healthily handle" and, as a public service, offered "a selection of 'spoilers' guaranteed to reduce the risk of unsettling and possibly dangerous suspense" (spoiler alert):
JANE EYRE (Charlotte Brontë): The madwoman upstairs is Rochester's wife. (Alan Connor)
Deal Sharing Aunt interviews the writer Diana Cachey:
What books have most influenced your life most?
Wuthering Heights, the first novel I couldn't put down, romance!
Lyn Gardner in The Guardian thinks that you cannot go far wrong with 'the all-male Wuthering Heights' at the Summerhall in nowadays Edinburgh Fringe. ArtDaily discusses the opening of the Norton Conyers attic; Screengrabsaz is making caps of Jane Eyre 2011.


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