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Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014 8:11 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Plymouth Herald reviews the Western College Players' take on April de Angelis's stage adaptation of Wuthering Heights.
This adaptation begins true to the book with Mr Lockwood (Tony Giles) narrating the story. He was later introduced to fellow narrator Nelly Dean played by Bella Stebbings.
Bella delivered the lines with perfect clarity and excellently shifted between talking to Mr Lockwood and being part of the scene she was narrating.
The writing of April De Angelis does not shy away from showing Cathy as a domineering and contrary character who at times is most unpleasant.
Kathryn Anderson carried this off well, beginning as a charming young girl and ending as a twisted and broken woman.
She played alongside the equally deceitful and manipulative Heathcliff (Gareth Roberts). The heartache and longing between the two characters was unbearable to watch as the dark and haunting plot unfolded.
The story is fascinating as you see how all the characters are affected by the relationship between Heathcliff and Cathy. It eventually resolves with Cathy’s daughter (Kathryn Anderson) picking her cousin Hareton (Robin Lee), a poor soul who has not been schooled. Robin played Hareton as a kind-hearted, shy man with signs of a young Heathcliff.
Her mother did not make such a wise choice and married Edgar Linton (Ben Kennedy-Day), a whiny, wimpy man who was brought up to be a gentleman. He portrayed this well and cleverly showed us glimpses into the possibility of him having true feelings for Cathy.
At times some characters needed to enunciate their words a little better. The biggest scene change of the production was a little slow but this was perhaps unavoidable.
The emotions in this performance were extremely powerful and this dark tale left the audience in haunted contemplation.
In The Guardian, Tanya Gold discusses the recent story of Jeanette Winterson killing and skinning (and sharing a picture of it on Twitter) a rabbit that had been eating her parsley.
It is fascinating to ponder though – the bored and clever novelist rewriting Beatrix Potter in the style of Quentin Tarantino and eating the ending. (Winterson to Potter is as Jean Rhys to Charlotte Brontë. Effortlessly, she makes her look naive.)
The Guardian also reviews the film adaptation of The Fault in our Stars.
They are as rich and attractive as teens in a Nancy Meyers movie, with a quirky, smart, back-talking relationship. Life-affirming Gus likes to have an unlit cigarette in his mouth to show his existential defiance. Despite being such an obvious hottie, Gus is a virgin. Hazel's own condition in this respect is apparently so self-evident that she never says it out loud. It is all too clearly Gus's virginity, not his cancer, which is his heartbreaking vulnerability, like Rochester getting to be blind at the beginning and not the end of Jane Eyre. "You two are so adorable," says Hazel's mother, out loud, without anyone nearby screaming. (Peter Bradshaw)
More on the One Direction erotica fan fiction. As read in the Daily Mail:
What's more, when she referenced Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights in the installments, the number of people reading these novels on Wattpad spiked. (Margot Peppers)
The Times has an article about it too.

BBC News tells of how elves stopped and diverted a new highway in Iceland, where there's
a visceral, raw and brutal beauty which makes Heathcliff's Wuthering Heights look like a prissy, pastoral watercolour. (Emma Jane Kirby)
Her has picked Jane Eyre as the classic book of the week while The Culture Concept posts about the novel, the 2011 adaptation and some Brontë family background. Los libros tienen alma also writes in Spanish about the novel. Book Chatter posts about The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Finally, via the Brontë Parsonage Facebook page, we see that Samantha Ellis has written about visiting the Brontë Parsonage Museum and returning to Top Withens after her book How to be a Heroine.


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