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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014 10:23 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Huffington Post includes Jane Eyre on a list of '12 Amazing Books That Pass The Bechdel Test'.
Charlotte Brontë’s classic isn’t just a marriage plot -- it’s also a bildungsroman. This means we follow the heroine, Jane, from her early years, when passionate female friendships were a central part of her life and romance wasn’t yet a glimmer on the horizon. And while her love for Rochester is the crowning affair of the novel, her love for her teacher Miss Temple and for spiritual fellow student Helen Burns shows Jane’s affinity for meaningful relationships with women. Men scarcely seem to be a consideration in their schoolgirl world, except for their fear of visits from the cruel supervisor, Mr. Brocklehurst. When Helen falls fatally ill, she and Jane share a heart-wrenching final conversation. (Claire Fallon)
We are not sure we agree with this statement by Laura Powell, YA author of Burn Mark and Goddess, as read in The Independent.
"What is quite funny is that because it has become so trendy, people forget that it has always been around. If To Kill a Mockingbird was published today it would very likely be published as YA. The same applies to Jane Eyre and David Copperfield." (Gillian Orr)
Speaking of the young ones, Death and Taxes discusses the One Direction fan fiction erotica that has just 'got a six-figure book deal'.
I mean, I’ve never even heard any of their songs, nevermind thought to myself “Hey, you know what I’d be really into, sexually? One Direction erotica that references Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters.” so I suppose I’d imagine it to be more of a niche market than it actually is. (Robyn Pennacchia)
Pendle Today shares memories of artist David Wild and here's a funny, Brontë-related one:
I have for many years been involved with the Brontë Society and when they were doing an exhibition of Branwell’s paintings, I asked him to the preview and in his direct manner he said in a loud voice, “rubbish artist, can you not see he painted the body and later added heads”? The room was in uproar; the curator Jane Sellars arrived and saved my day. She hugged him and told the crowd how she got to know him as a result of seeing a painting he had in the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. (Audrey Hall)
Human Capital Magazine interviews Rachael Fitzpatrick, HR director for APJ at Akamai and asks her,
If you could invite three people to dinner, dead or alive and excluding family and friends, who would that be and why?
I would invite Aaron Sorkin, who has produced some of the most interesting television I have seen. In particular, I would be interested to understand his take on current societal challenges. I would also invite one of the Brontës – probably Emily if I had to choose one - to discuss how families cultivate their own creativity, as well as George Harrison because I think he would have some interesting stories to tell. (Iain Hopkins)
The Telegraph argues that, 'More schools should honour Mrs Thatcher'.
While historic London schools like St Paul’s have buildings and houses named after illustrious former pupils, such as John Milton and field-marshal Montgomery. What’s wrong with honouring Mrs Thatcher, for a change?
Ironically, one girls’ boarding school in Suffolk did indeed name one of its boarding houses after the great lady, back in the 1990s – in accordance with its policy of honouring notable women (another house was named after the Brontë sisters).
Sadly however, now that this school is no longer girls only, the name seems to have been dropped. There is no longer a "Thatcher House" and one can only wonder why. Did the name prove too controversial? (Boarding School Beak)
The Well and Tribune discusses roses:
Lately, I’ve been flipping through the David Austin Handbook of Roses 2014 (www.davidaustinroses.com) and dreaming of adding more English style roses to the border. With names like Heathcliff, Bishop’s Castle, and Falstaff, I could design a romantic garden with a literary theme. But I’m reading beyond the clever names, looking for roses that are not only old-fashioned and beautiful, but repeat bloom, are very hardy, fragrant and possibly thornless. Too much to ask? (Theresa Forte)
Blimey! shares pictures of Haworth. Pop! goes the reader posts about Jane Eyre and Her.ie recommends Wuthering Heights.

And finally here's a video of Professor John Bowen and Brontë Parsonage Collections' Manager Ann Disndale discussing the Brontës' early writings, courtesy of the British Library.


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