
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014 11:00 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Independent talks about the new Jamaica Inn BBC adaptation:
“It’s a perfect fusion of gothic romance and a young woman’s rite of passage in the vein of Twilight and Wuthering Heights”, says Emma Frost, who has adapted Du Maurier’s 1936 novel. (Gerard Gilbert)
The Sussex Express talks about the opening of the Arlington Bluebell Walk:
Hailsham town crier Geoff Rowe formally opened the Arlington Bluebell Walk last week.
At the opening on Thursday (April 10) he read Emily Brontë’s bluebell poem and led a toast to spring 2014.
The Arlington Bluebell Walk, which takes in three working farms, has raised thousands of pounds for Sussex charities since it first opened in 1972.
Business Telegram talks about the WattPad website:
You and your Uncle Max can publish their fiction and nonfiction on WattPad, an online site. It also has hundreds of free classics such as "Jane Eyre," "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and Sun Tzu's "The Art of War." The website, Wattpad.com, draws 15 million readers a month. And posts more than 1.5 million new stories.
Dr. Tony Shaw talks about the Manchester blue plaque devoted to the place where Charlotte Brontë began the writing of Jane Eyre. Finally, an alert from Madrid (Spain):
Escritores en imágenes: Las hermanas Brontë
Lunes 21 de abril.
Fundación GSR- Casa del Lector
19:00h. - Auditorio.
Entrada libre hasta completar aforo.

Las hermanas Brontë, de André Téchiné (1979). VOSE. Digital. 115’

Patrick Brontë, pastor de la iglesia anglicana desde 1806, se casó en 1812 con Mary Branwell. El matrimonio se instaló en Yorkshire, donde nacieron Charlotte, Emily y Anne: las hermanas Brontë. La película traza una semblanza de la reprimida educación victoriana que sufrieron las escritoras, víctimas las tres de una difícil existencia. Sus obras literarias, tan apasionadas y sensibles, contrastan con la realidad de sus vidas, dominadas por las discusiones con su padre y el cuidado de su hermano menor.


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