
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Monday, February 03, 2014

Monday, February 03, 2014 10:00 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
The Guardian shares a few tips on Galway (Ireland) and comes up with this 'interesting' mention:
Take a bracing stroll with the energetic Conor Riordan on his erudite Legend Quest Tour of Galway city. Meet Conor outside Lynch's Castle in Shop Street, named after one of the 13 legendary tribes who founded Galway. From there follow him to St Nicholas' Church, completed in 1320 and the largest medieval church still used as a place of worship in Ireland. Now an Anglican church, there are signs of Cromwellian vandalism, such as angels' faces smashed by the iconoclastic Roundhead soldiers, and, intriguingly, a memorial tablet to a Galwegian Jane Eyre – local legend has it she was the inspiration for Charlotte Brontë's heroine. (Henry McDonald)
While the Batley and Birstall News features Oakwell Hall, which is about to be used as a backdrop for the BBC's adaptation of Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. We are reminded that this isn't Oakwell Hall's first time on screen.
Oakwell Hall is no stranger to the small screen having featured in ITV’s adaptation of Wuthering Heights as well as The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister. (Mike Muncaster)
The Toronto Books Examiner lists five 'Fated lovers without destiny'. Among them is
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights is a tender story, of a couple brought together by fate who are never able to realize their love. On the moors of Yorkshire, a series of plausible coincidences brings Catherine and Heathcliffe [sic] into each other’s lives. However, when social status prevents them from being together, jealously tears them apart in a tale that pushes the destiny of the would-be partners into further generations. (Kristin Lee Bryson)
Oubliette Magazine (Italy) asks writer Chiara Laura Mazzetti about her literary influences:
B.A.: Quali scrittori hanno influenzato il tuo modo di scrivere?
Chiara Laura Mazzetti: Ho la presunzione di possedere un mio unico ed inimitabile modo di scrivere. Posso dirti quali scrittori e poeti hanno influenzato il mio gusto, la mia estetica e il mio modo di interpretare il mondo ma non quelli che hanno influito sul mio modo di scrivere. Può anche darsi che, inconsciamente, nella mia scrittura si possano ritrovare frammenti delle pagine che ho amato e che ora sono parte integrante del mio essere, da “Se questo è un uomo” di Primo Levi, a “Cime Tempestose” di Emily Brontë a “L’eleganza del riccio” di Muriel Barbery. (Bernadette Amante) (Translation)
Styleite has a recap of episode 5 of Girls and wonders,
Given Adam and Caroline’s unusually torrid, Brontë-esque relationship, and Hannah and Caroline’s similarly difficult personalities, is it such a stretch that Hannah might serve as a surrogate for his sister? (Chloe Wyma)
The Brontë Parsonage Blog reports that the York Brontë Group is now a reality.


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