The latest issue of
The Brontë Society Gazette is now out (Issue 62. January 2014. ISSN 1344-5940).
Letter from the Editor by Helen Krispien
Letter from the Chairman by Sally McDonald, Chairman The Brontë Society Council
A Message from the Executive Director by Ann Sumner
A woman with a Brontë mission: tracing the Irish roots of Arthur Bell Nichols in Banagher, Ireland by Marina Saegerman
Brontë Connection by Sarah E Homes Griffith, Cumbria
'The passions are perfectly unknown to her'. Jane Austen shares the stage with Charlotte Brontë at the Brussels Brontë Group by Jones Hayden.
In Search of the Brontës in Brussels by Laura Selene Rockefeller.
Membership News: In Memoriam; Bob Barnard by Richard Wilcocks;Anyone remember the placing of the Brontë Society plaque in Brussels? by Helen MacEwan; Reminder; Conference Reminder: The 2014 Conference, 'The Brontës and the Condition of England', at Warwick University, 29-31 August.Annual Literary Luncheon, Ilkley, October 2013 by Alexandra Lesley
Short Story: Emily's Thoughts to Flossy by Deborah Pine
Charlotte Brontë's Botanical Watercolours by Ann Sumner
Warwick, Coventry and the Brontës by Rosemary S Hall
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