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Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014 9:58 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
For some reason, the Sherman Oaks Film Examiner reviews Jane Eyre 2011 now. The film is given 5 stars out of 5, so this is clearly a case of good things coming to those who wait.
This version of "Jane Eyre" works very well because it has rock solid performances by the two leads. Mia Wasikowska does an excellent job showing how Jane is haunted by her past. Michael Fassbender is also great. His character is also haunted by his past. He is cold at first, but he ultimately falls for Jane.
The cinematography is looks amazing. It is often dark, which reflects the mood of the film. The movie deserved its Oscar nomination for Costume Design. These costumes are a significant component of the film's process. Jane and Rochester are initially in dark, tight and restrictive costumes. Like their clothing, the characters have no flexibility. When circumstances change, their ensembles, still true to the time period and their circumstances, are less structured, indicating their liberation from the past.
This film ranks among the best versions of "Jane Eyre." (Daniel Smith)
The Blackpool Gazette recommends the BBC One series Silent Witness, on which
DS Sally Kirchner (Morven Christie) believes the prime suspect is unsympathetic Simon Turner (Alex Hassell), a married man and the baby’s father who compares the conception to a drunken liaison rather than to ‘Wuthering Heights’.
The Orlando Sentinel features the theatre production Spank! which is a parody of 50 Shades of Grey.
The show's three actors each took a stab at reading James' book, which topped best-seller lists, spawned two sequels and inspired a movie scheduled to debut next year. Their reaction to the breathless prose is mixed:
"I just ate all three of them up like a sex sandwich," says Andrea Canny. "You get the sex fantasy and you get the completely unattainable relationship … like Heathcliff and Catherine." (Matthew J. Palm)
A columnist from The Telegraph looks back on her diary-writing habit:
Later in my teenage years I adopted a florid, adjectival style – half Emily Brontë, half Just 17 – with which to chronicle the ups and downs of adolescent love. I can hardly bear to read the description of losing my virginity, let alone inflict it on innocent readers. But if I tell you that it contains the words “quash”, “lest” and “swirling profundity”, you will understand something of my retrospective agony. (Jemima Lewis)
The Star has an article on the typically-Yorkshire condiment Henderson's Relish.
Its orange and black bottle has featured on the front cover of the illustrious New Statesman magazine as a testament to all things Northern, alongside Dame Judi Dench, Morecambe and Wise, a flat cap and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. (Christa Ackroyd)
El País (Uruguay) features the French neuropsychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik and his study of traumatic childhood events.
Aunque Cyrulnik no menciona a las hermanas Brontë, ellas son un caso doble: niñas huérfanas de madre, con un padre durísimo, también fueron internadas en escuelas miserables donde se las maltrató y desnutrió. (Andrea Blanqué) (Translation)
He doesn't mention the Brontë sisters because they actually had a loving father.

An inmate who has read many classics, including Jane Eyre, in The Huffington Post. Diamonds and Coal reviews the Cozy Classics Jane Eyre edition.


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