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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Eric Ostrowski, the author of Charlotte Bronte i jej siostry śpiące is interviewed on Polskie Radio. Once again his odd/bizarre/controversial (put the adjective you prefer) theories are explained (you know, that Charlotte was the only author of all the Brontë novels):
Eryk Ostrowski, poeta i eseista młodego pokolenia, stawia w swojej pracy bardzo odważne tezy, odsłaniając kulisy życia pisarki. Obfitowało ono w liczne dramatyczne wydarzenia. Brontë zadbała, aby wiele z nich nigdy nie dotarło do wiadomości publicznej.
Autor ukazuje, w jaki sposób jej osobowość kształtowały skomplikowane relacje z mężczyznami - najpierw z bratem, z którym w latach młodzieńczych dzieliła tożsamość literacką i sympatię do doktryny masońskiej, później z belgijskim nauczycielem, w którym była zakochana, wreszcie z jej wydawcą, którego miała nadzieję poślubić. Stara się też rozwikłać niejasne okoliczności śmierci pisarki i wyjaśnić, czy jest możliwe, jak przypuszczali niektórzy z jej przyjaciół, że Charlotte Brontë została zamordowana…
W audycji z cyklu "Ćwiczenia z myślenia" zadajemy słuchaczom pytania związane z tematem spotkania. Dla osób, które jako pierwsze dodzwonią się do studia Dwójki i poprawnie odpowiedzą na pytanie - czekają nagrody książkowe!  (Translation)
Women in the World discusses the drawings of Sylvia Plath and the envelope scrawlings of Emily Dickinson:
A born seducer, [Ted] Hughes pulled her aside for a kiss, ripping off her headband; she responded by biting his cheek and drawing blood. Their mutual raw power whipped through their poesy, blackening the literary world like the barren heaths and hardscrabble crags of Hughes’s Yorkshire moors. Plath drew this “substanceless blue/pour of tor and distances” during a 1956 visit to Haworth, in her sketch Wuthering Heights Today; five years later, on a visit to her in-laws, she wrote her “Wuthering Heights” poem about that stony, savage place: “If I pay the roots of the heather/Too close attention, they will invite me/To whiten my bones among them.” Decades after her death, Hughes wrote a response breathtaking in its bleak and desolate beauty: “You breathed it all in/With jealous, emulous sniffings. Weren’t you/Twice as ambitious as Emily? … what would stern/Dour Emily have made of your frisky glances/And your huge hope? Your huge/Mortgage of hope.” (Katie Baker)
DVD Verdict reviews the Blu-ray edition of Jane Eyre 1944:
Whatever its other flaws or virtues, this is certainly a lean, fast-paced version of the tale—at 96 minutes, it's shorter than every other big-screen adaptation. Even so, nothing feels particularly compromised or short-changed—it's simply that Stevenson and his co-writers John Houseman and Aldous Huxley (!) don't have much interest in digging too deep below the surface of the novel or indulging the sort of moody, atmospheric material that has played a key role in other adaptations of this tale (though there are certainly some moments of gothic melodrama). (...)
Jane Eyre (Blu-ray) has received a 1080p/Full Frame transfers that highlights Greg Barnes' effectively moody cinematography (the film's other primary virtue). There are, unfortunately, quite a few scratches and flecks present throughout, largely due to the fact that the film hasn't been terribly well-preserved over the years. The image is also wobbly and soft at times—it looks better than it did on DVD, but not by a huge margin. The DTS HD 1.0 Master Audio track is similarly mixed, suffering from some occasional hiss and never really permitting Herrmann's score to sound as robust as it ought to. Dialogue is generally pretty clean, though. Supplements include two audio commentaries (one with Joseph McBride and actress Margaret O'Brien, another with Julie Kirgo, Nick Redman and Steven C. Smith), a featurette called "Locked in the Tower: The Men Behind Jane Eyre" (19 minutes), a propaganda short directed by Stevenson called "Know Your Ally Britain" (42 minutes), an isolated score track and a trailer. Props to Twilight Time for delivering a strong supplemental package this time around rather—hopefully it's a trend that will continue. (Clark Douglas)
The Hebden Bridge Times talks about researching your roots and heritage:
Jan Bridget, who has been involved with setting up the group, will speak about her own family history at the meeting at 1pm. (...)
“My interest has become, to be honest, a bit of an addiction, especially when I discovered that one of my ancestors was a role model for Heathcliff and that not only had a booklet been published on the topic but also several academic papers, culminating in a film documentary in 2009,” she said.
The Ventura County Star reviews Death of a Schoolgirl, the first of the Jane Eyre Chronicles novels by Joanna Campbell Slan:
Literary Happenings: Jane Eyre turns sleuth in new series. Fans of Charlotte Brontë's classic "Jane Eyre" can rejoice. Thanks to author Joanna Campbell Slan, the quiet governess-turned-passionate Mrs. Rochester has a newfound calling. (Jo Ellen Heil)
The Star (Malaysia) reviews The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert:
The beginning chapters of Signature is reminiscent of Wuthering Heights, with Gilbert tracing Henry’s rags-to-riches story like Emily Brontë does with Heathcliff. (Dinesh Kumar Maganathan)
The Scotsman on Sunday reviews Unfashioned Creatures by Lesley McDowell:
Unfashioned Creatures – the title comes from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein – neatly captures the fevered menace of later 19th-century classics such as Wuthering Heights or indeed Frankenstein itself, along with the era’s fascination with the supernatural. Isabella sees ghosts – chiefly that of the dead sister whose widower she married, breaking a Biblical and legal taboo. (Mary Crockett)
The Dallas News recommends ten works not to be missed at the local Kinsall Art Museum:
Frederic Leighton
Portrait of May Sartoris, c. 1860
This is among the handful of pictures owned by Kay and Velma Kimbell to be shown regularly at the museum they founded. Its combination of precise descriptive painting and a moody, almost Brontë-like subject make it one of the most enigmatic British portraits of the 19th century. (Rick Brettell)
The Hindu explains what to do to fight boredom:
The famous Brontë sisters who wrote some of the finest work in literature were brought up in an isolated environment where their only form of entertainment was to create stories and go for long walks in the moors. Their novels (Jane Eyre, Wuthering heights) explore the complexity of the human relationships and their stories reflect great depth and sensitivity. (Anuradha Shyam)
The Guardian interviews the actress Marine Vacth and describes her like this:
She's wearing jeans, boots and a rough-knit shawl and, with her hair vaguely dishevelled, looks as if she's just been auditioning to play the part of Cathy in Wuthering Heights. (Jonathan Romney)
PTC (Serbia) announces the screening on PTC1 tonight (21:08) of Jane Eyre 2011; the Christmas activities of the Brontë Parsonage Museum reach national newspapers with this mention in The Independent; The Times mentions Moira Buffini (author of the screenplay of Jane Eyre 2011) in an article about the presence of women in the British film industry; also in The SundayTimes, an interview to the actress Lorna Quinn mentions that she was Jane Eyre in a 2008 City Theatre production; Denis Billamboz posts about his love and admiration for the Brontës on Les Belles Phrases (in French).


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