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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Wednesday, October 02, 2013 9:30 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Evening Standard features writer Jim Crace, who may win this year’s Man Booker Prize. He's what we might call an anti-Brontëite.
When I meet him he is equally definite about the many reasons you might have not to like his books, the many great British novelists he’s never read — “I’ve never read a Dickens and I’ve never read a Hardy, no. Or a Brontë. Or a Virginia Woolf. Or a Henry James” — and the folly of the Man Booker administrators in opening the prize to American novelists in future. (David Sexton)
This fact is also mentioned in The Telegraph.

Again, if you are a Bridget Jones fan and have reached this spoiler-free, please avert your eyes now. Word and Film looks at other similar literary turns of events and again recalls Helen Burns:
The literary sins of Charlotte Brontë and Louisa May Alcott can be excused because they were staying true to the times in which they lived. When Jane’s best friend in the Lowood school, Helen Burns, dies of consumption in Jane Eyre, it’s not only realistic (the book was published in 1847), it’s also painfully inspired by the death of Brontë’s sister Maria from the same ailment at age eleven. (Jay A. Fernandez)
The New York Daily News' Page Views tells readers how to use books 'to screen potential lovers'.
Book: "Wuthering Heights" by Charlotte Brontë
Question: “Heathcliff’s behavior in Wuthering Heights is a bit extreme, don’t you think?”
If your lover responds in
A) The Affirmative: You’re in the clear. Your lover will not leave you in a fit of rage over a small misunderstanding.
B) The Negative: One-up your lover and leave first. It’s inevitable that someone will throw a hissy fit so it might as well be you. (Sandra Jenina)
There's of course also C) The correct one. Your lover tells you that actually, Wuthering Heights is by Emily Brontë.

Adweek on new ways of advertising:
You know what would really improve books? Ads on every page! Classics like Wuthering Heights, War and Peace and A Tale of Two Cities tend to drag in the middle. Coupons for Quaker Chewy S'Mores Granola Bars would really brighten up those dull chapters where Heathcliff wanders the moors like a wuss. (David Gianatasio)
A press release on SBwire also has a 'but' regarding Wuthering Heights.
While ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ have become timeless classics, many critics and readers crave the whimsical side of literature that can bring light relief to even the most stressed and savage of souls.
And this is how The Hindu begins an article on a housing complex:
I stare at a withered copy of Wuthering Heights. The wind flays open the pages and drops of water begin to fall on them. Suddenly, there’s a flurry of activity at the otherwise laidback Lily Pond Complex, behind Ripon Building. (Anusha Parthasarathy)
A columnist from The Marquette Tribune sings the praises of LibriVox:
But I’ve listened to lovely versions of “Jane Eyre,” “Sense & Sensibility” and “The Portrait of Dorian Grey” thanks to volunteers who must have spent weeks in their basement talking to themselves for my benefit. (Erin Heffernan)
While the Guardian Film Blog points out why we haven't 'mourned the VHS enough'.
A bit like recording a mix-tape off the radio but more random, the content of a video tape is always individual and often absurd. Where else would you find Disney's Sleeping Beauty followed by an ancient University Challenge and rounded off with John Duigan's Wide Sargasso Sea? (Miranda Kiek)
Onet Kultura (Poland) reviews Charlotte Brontë i jej siostry śpiące by Eryk Ostrowski. The Sun Sentinel's Teen Link features Jane Eyre while Edge Center for the Arts looks at many of its adaptations.Many Media Musings shares memories of a very Brontë summer: part II. The Brontë Parsonage Facebook page shares a newspaper clipping where James Brining, artistic director of the West Yorkshire Playhouse, says that Emily Brontë is the Yorkshire person he admires the most.


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