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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 12:02 am by Cristina in ,    4 comments


Today, September 10th, BrontëBlog celebrates its 8th anniversary. We have been witnesses to many exciting things taking place in Brontëland throughout the years. and we never cease to be amazed by how far-reaching the Brontës are.

At any rate, we would like to thank each and every one of our readers for being on the other side of the screen. We really don't know whether there's anyone out there who has been reading BrontëBlog from the get-go on September 10th, 2005, but whether you started reading back then or only last week, we really appreciate your taking the time to stop by this little Brontë corner of the internet.

To celebrate, we would like to give away a copy of Ann Dinsdale's At Home with the Brontës, published earlier this year to coincide with the tempoary exhibition at the Brontë Parsonage Museum, Heaven is a Home.

In order to enter the giveaway, just publish one (or more, although we will only count one per user) tweet using the hashtag #BronteBlogIs8. Starting now up until September 17th, 12am. The winner will receive a direct message on Twitter on the following days.

Do feel free to include your favourite @BronteBlog moment in your tweet. We would love to be taken on a walk down memory lane.

Again, thanks for reading!


  1. Congrats! = )

  2. Thanks. If you want to enter the contest don't forget to tweet #BronteBlogIs8

  3. I am a little bit late, but I sure want to congratulate you. I admire your blog very much.

    (I bought the book allready myself).

    Greetings from Geri

  4. Eight years is incredible! Happy blogoversary! :D
