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Saturday, August 03, 2013

Saturday, August 03, 2013 3:45 pm by M. in , ,    No comments
The Scotsman interviews Ruth Wilson, mainly about her role in Luther:
“Oh even Idris hadn’t seen Jane Eyre,” she laughs. “When we first met, he said, ‘I loved you in Jane Eyre’. And I went, ‘really? You watched Jane Eyre?’ And, of course, he hadn’t. And Gore didn’t know me from Adam. Other people were telling him, ‘she’s in these shows…’ but all credit to him for putting his neck on the line, because in the end I got the job because he thought I looked right for the part.” (...)
Wilson has always been candid, but when I first interviewed her, after filming Jane Eyre, she was less self-possessed. (...)
If anything, her interpretation of Charlotte Brontë’s heroine has been eclipsed by a psychopath. The third series of Luther finished last week, and to fans’ delight, Alice, played again with amused brilliance by Wilson, returned to save the day.
“There’s a huge fanbase, and a completely different audience from any I’ve had before. It’s younger, mostly male and popular with different ethnic minorities, whereas people who come up and walk to talk about Jane Eyre tend to be white middle-class girls and women. America, in particular, seems to love sexy psychopaths,” she reflects.
There is another article about her in The Times :
Nine years ago my family was invited to watch Susanna White’s BBC version of Jane Eyre being filmed. As its heroine, in full Brontë kit, strode through the car park of a very frozen Haddon Hall, I called out (as I had not mastered the unknown's real name): "Miss Eyre, may we trouble you for your autograph?"So into my niece's autograph book was graciously entered the name Ruth Wilson, possibly the first autograph she ever gave.  (Andrew Billen) 
ScreenRant lists crazy literary mash-ups. Including:
Jane Slayer by: Sherri Browning Erwin (and Charlotte Brontë)
Description:  Jane Slayre, our plucky demon-slaying heroine, a courageous orphan who spurns the detestable vampyre kin who raised her, sets out on the advice of her ghostly uncle to hone her skills as the fearless slayer she's meant to be. When she takes a job as a governess at a country estate, she falls head-over-heels for her new master, Mr. Rochester, only to discover he's hiding a violent werewolf in the attic--in the form of his first wife.
Can a menagerie of bloodthirsty, flesh-eating, savage creatures-of-the-night keep a swashbuckling nineteenth-century lady from the gentleman she intends to marry? Vampyres, zombies, and werewolves transform Charlotte Brontë's unforgettable masterpiece into an eerie paranormal adventure that will delight and terrify.

Wuthering Heights and a Werewolf... and a Zombie Too by: Ralph S King (and Emily Brontë)
Descriptions: Why was Heathcliff's nature so beastly? Why was he such an utter scoundrel? Why... because he was really a werewolf! The classic romance, now with savage werewolf violence! And there may be a zombie lurking about too!

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
Description: In Jasper Fforde's Great Britain, circa 1985, time travel is routine, cloning is a reality (dodos are the resurrected pet of choice), and literature is taken very, very seriously. England is a virtual police state where an aunt can get lost (literally) in a Wordsworth poem and forging Byronic verse is a punishable offense. All this is business as usual for Thursday Next, renowned Special Operative in literary detection. But when someone begins kidnapping characters from works of literature and plucks Jane Eyre from the pages of Brontë's novel, Thursday is faced with the challenge of her career. Fforde's ingenious fantasy—enhanced by a Web site that re-creates the world of the novel—unites intrigue with English literature in a delightfully witty mix.

Wuthering Bites by: Sarah Gray
Description: When a young orphan named Heathcliff is brought to Wuthering Heights by the manor's owner, Mr. Earnshaw, rumors abound. Yet the truth is more complicated than anyone could guess. Heathcliff's mother was a member of a gypsy band that roamed the English countryside, slaying vampires to keep citizens safe. But his father was a vampire. Now, even as Heathcliff gallantly fights the monsters who roam the moors in order to protect beautiful, spirited Catherine Earnshaw, he is torn by compassion for his victims - and by his own dark thirst.
Though Catherine loves Heathcliff, she fears the vampire in him, and is tempted by the privileged lifestyle their neighbors, the Lintons, enjoy. Forced to choose between wealthy, refined Edgar Linton and the brooding, increasingly dangerous Heathcliff, she makes a fateful decision. And soon Heathcliff, too, must choose - between his hunger, and the woman he will love for all eternity... (Anthony Ocasio)
We sincerely think that Jasper Fforde plays in another league than the other aforementioned writers.

The Guardian reviews Oliver Reed: Wild Thing by Mike Davis and Rob Crouch, as performed at the St Jame's Studio, London:
There's no doubt Reed had a rugged, Heathcliff-like power on screen, and led the life he chose. But the show glosses over his later decline, where he made cheapo movies in apartheid South Africa, and it never convincingly answers the question once posed by Clive James on a TV chat show: "Tell me, Oliver, why do you drink?" (Michael Billington
Catriona Stewart seems to praise mediocrity and ignorance in this article in The Herald:
It's that time again, time for the ripping open of anxious envelopes and clicking of nervous text messages. Time for relief, tears, clearing and for those whose school exams are well behind them to opine how much more difficult it was in days gone past. (...)
Not once have I needed to ponder the sine, cosine, and tangent properties of an angle, never again had to ponder Heathcliff: Hero or Villain; only on occasional dreamy moments while waiting for the kettle to boil do I gaze at Zeus, my mint plant, and idly surmise that his extreme leaning towards the kitchen window is the result of photo­­synthesis.
I'm not saying that none of this matters but, if your results aren't what you'd hoped then don't despair. 
The Huntsville Item interviews a local teacher:
Mike Yawn: What’s your favorite film that relates to the educational process?
Nancy Davidhizar: Well, most recently I’ve been thinking about “Jane Eyre,” which of course came from a classical work of literature, one written by Charlotte Brontë. This is the 1997 version by A&E, starring Samantha Morton, and it captures the depth of the work. It not only has good character development and an excellent storyline, but it also has a main character struggling with life’s questions. It’s a part of what we call the “Great Conversation,” with questions such as: What is the purpose of man? Is there a God? What is my relationship to God? How should I respond to temptation?
Howard Jacobson talks in The Independent about Twitter and toasters, literally:
Accusations of “sexism” have been bandied about with such flagrancy this week it has felt like the Sixties all over again.
But the word “sexist” is no longer what it was; it had magical properties then, making every man take a second look at himself, even those who protested their innocence the loudest. “Sexist? Me! I’ll show you bloody sexist!” Now, sexism feels too small a concept for the errands it is sent on. What does it mean to call that man a “sexist” who tweets threats of rape because his victim made the case for putting Jane Austen on a £10 note?
Sexist! You might as well accuse Fred West of unneighbourliness. When violence of this order has so apparently inoffensive a cause – would he have felt the same had it been Charlotte Brontë on the tenner, or Jane Austen on a fiver? – it’s not a catch-all word like “sexist” we need; it’s a whole new science of literary, monetary and social media psychopathology.
The Washington Post interviews the writer Adelle Waldman:
Since you write from Nate’s point of view, can you think of any great novels that are also written from the perspective of an unlikely narrator?
One book that comes to mind is the book “Wide Sargasso Sea” by Jean Rhys. It’s a story told by the crazy woman in the attic, and I think that’s one case of a book written from an unlikely perspective that really worked. (Rachel Lubitz)
We found this news item by Universia (Brazil) a bit misleading:
A Universia Brasil disponibiliza para download grátis nesta sexta-feira uma lista com 34 livros da escritora e poetisa britânica Emily Brontë. A autora escrevia sob o pseudônimo masculino de Ellis Bell. Sua obra mais é O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes, considerada atualmente um clássico da literatura mundial. (Translation)
Of course they mean 34 documents, including Wuthering Heights and several poems.

Die Press (Austria) reviews the German translation of Elizabeth Taylor's A Game of Hide and Seek:
In der Tradition von Austen und Brontë: Endlich erscheint Elizabeth Taylors Roman "Versteckspiel" auf Deutsch. Menschenporträts, feinfühlig gestaltet.
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Als sich Elizabeth Bowen im Frühjahr 1951 daranmachte, den neuen Roman ihrer englischen Kollegin Elizabeth Taylor zu rezensieren, hielt sie mit ihrer Begeisterung nicht hinterm Berg und stellte „Versteckspiel“ in eine Reihe mit Jane Austens „Überredung“ und Emily Brontës „Sturmhöhe“. (Rainer Moritz) (Translation)
Thoughts, Feelings, Experiences, Dreams, and Poetry!! posts about the Brontës; Ann Sumner gives her opinion about the Austen ring affaire on 5 Live Drive (BBC Radio 5, around 1 hour 20 minutes into theshow); Book or Big Screen? reviews Wuthering Heights 2011.


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