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Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013 2:03 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
Kevin Maher on WYPR remembers how he first read James Joyce's Dubliners:
I don't know why we did Dubliners when we did. We were 12, some of us going on 13, and the nearest we'd been to highbrow literature were the eye-gouging groans in Shakespeare's [King] Lear, or the hanged puppies and bashed brains in Brontë's Wuthering Heights — both chosen, one suspects in retrospect, to appease the blood thirsty instincts of eager boys on the teenage turn.
The artist Ashley Jackson has received an Honorary Doctorate at the University of Huddersfield. The Huddersfield Daily Examiner recalls how
Jackson’s watercolours of the often brooding and atmospheric moorland and powerfully dynamic skies have become internationally recognised and synonymous with Yorkshire.
He has often quoted that he wishes to do with the brush what the Brontës had conveyed with the pen. (Neil Atkinson)
More on the Rowling pseudonym news:
The Brontë sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne, were guilty of this - first publishing under the names Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell because, Charlotte once said, "authoresses are liable to be looked on with prejudice." (Ambika Thakur in International Business Times)
El caso de J.K Rowling hace recordar a otras mujeres de la historia de la literatura que se escondieron bajo otro nombre para publicar sus obras. Si alguien cita a Currer, Ellis y Acton Bell nadie sabrá a quiénes nos referimos. Sin embargo si hablamos de Charlotte, Emily y Anne Brontë inmediatamente pensará en obras como Cumbres Borrascosas o Jane Eyre. Estas talentosas hermanas comenzaron sus creaciones bajo el seudónimo de los hermanos Bell (que compartían iniciales de nombre con ellas) en 1845, cuando decidieron publicar un libro de poesías con el título de Poemas por Currer, Ellis y Acton Bell. Tras esta primera publicación cada hermana se dedica a escribir por su propia cuenta, aunque siguen utilizando estos seudónimos hasta la visita de Charlotte y Anne a Londres donde se presentan realmente a sus editores.
En el caso de las hermanas Brontë el seudónimo fue utilizado como forma de escapar a los prejuicios existentes en las editoriales y la sociedad sobre las mujeres, que tenían muy difícil el que alguien publicara sus obras. (Javier Zurro in El Confidencial) (Translation)
The Portuguese American Journal describes the writer Julian Silva like this:
Julian Silva, a third-generation Portuguese-American whose principal literary roots are not Portuguese, but English — Henry James, prominently, and the Brontës[.] (George Monteiro)
The writer Norbert Hummelt returns to England after twenty years and writes about it in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland):
Im westlichen Yorkshire führt uns der Weg an weniger lieblichen als schaurig-schönen Dichter-Orten vorbei. Das Pfarrhaus in Haworth, in dem die drei Brontë-Schwestern ihr viel zu kurzes Leben führten, birgt ein anschauliches Museum, steht jedoch keineswegs auf einer Sturmhöhe – was mich erstaunt, aber ich kenne Emily Brontës Roman «Wuthering Heights» eben auch nur in der Kurzfassung von Kate Bush.  (Translation)
FranceTVinfo presents the 2013-2014 opera season in Paris. One of the operas that will be performed is Rossini's Tancredi whose overture was used in Les Soeurs Brontë 1979:
[Théâtre des Champs-Elysées] On finit en beauté avec une œuvre d'André Techiné. L'ouverture de Tancrède, du même Rossini, est utilisée dans son film Les Sœurs Brontë(1979), avec Isabelle Huppert, Marie-France Pisier et Isabelle Adjani. Je vous laisse savourer. (Translation)
My Book Addiction interviews the writer Cristiane Serruya:
Who, or what, is your greatest influence when it comes to your writing?
Well, I have a very ecletic taste in books. When I was young, I loved Barbara Cartland, Charlotte and Emile (sic) Brontë and a few Brazilian writers for kids.
BookRiot puts together 10 items of Jane Eyre stuff mainly picked (but not only) from etsy shops; Stories from the City posts a couple of botanical watercolours by Charlotte Brontë; Angelinascasa recommends a visit to Haworth.


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