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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 12:28 am by M. in ,    No comments
The Jane Thornton adaptation of Wuthering Heights is performed this week in Croydon, South London:
Ashcroft Theatre and Macho Productions present
Wuthering Heights
Adapted by Jane Thornton

Directed by Andrew Lynford
With Mark Homer and Adele Silva

Farfield Halls
May 21, 24, 25  7:30 PM
May 22, 23, 25  2:30 PM
The Croydon Guardian  interviews the director Andrew Lynford:
"It is coming together so well and I think it is going to be a really exciting show.
"The story is so well known and different generation will remember different productions of it.
"It is a story which can be recreated and redefined as it is about love, hated, jealousy and a whole load of human emotions. That is why it resonates with everybody."
He adds: "I have decided to keep to this adaptation in front of me without being too clever with it. I want it to be essentially a theatrical experience.
"For me it is great to be doing something that is considered a classic as I haven’t directed many classic before.
"It is a great fast paced performance and I think it will appeal to a wide range of people." (Andrew Bloss)


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