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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:26 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Hifi (Netherlands) reviews Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights:
Al met al een indrukwekkend staaltje pure beeldpoëzie. Arnold heeft een voorkeur voor het smalle, 4:3 beeldformaat, dat in haar optiek beter past bij de mens, als verticaal opgericht wezen. Vaste cameraman Robbie Ryan is extreem dynamisch in de weer, wat de onrust van de personages mooi voelbaar maakt. Zelfs bij de heftig bewegende passages waarin de camera door de modder achter het stel aanrent blijft het beeld scherp, wat maar aangeeft dat de dvd-transfer van hoge kwaliteit is. De afwisseling met close-ups van plantjes en dieren zorgt voor balans. (Jan Luijsterburg) (Translation)
The Daily Beast's Book Beast has an article on the secret to a perfect novel by writer Steven Amsterdam.
Charm explains the durability of certain books, where the characters and plots are still secondary to the lives they reveal. Do we return to Jane Eyre because the governess gets her lord? No, we go back for Jane’s awe-inspiring certitude and priggish resolve to do so on her own terms. That is the charm that makes us fall in love. 
Female First reviews Black Spring by Alison Croggon:
This was my most anticipated novel of 2013 and Alison Croggon does not disappoint. Black Spring, based closely on Wuthering Heights, takes place in a fantasy world where the North is ruled by fearsome wizards and the vendetta, a blood revenge that means a series of murders spreading through each community. (...)The bleak landscape of Brontë’s Wuthering Heights is effortlessly recreated with a fantasy streak that gives the story a fresh take. Croggon doesn’t just write the same story as a fantasy though – she rewrites it and makes it her own.
Having said that, I do think Black Spring could have been developed more. It does follow Wuthering Heights but there are a lot of gaps in the story. Some gaps can be effective but I felt that there was one too many. Wuthering Heights may not explain the character of Heathcliff, but Croggon has created a virtually new story in Black Spring which gave her the opportunity to explore Damek more. (Julia Molloy)
Antena 3 (Spain) finds echoes of Jane Eyre in the novel El despertar de la señorita Prim by Natalia Sanmartín Fenollera.
La relación entre la protagonista y un hombre sin nombre que es como un arquetipo de la auténtica masculinidad, remite a grandes amores como los de Jane Eyre y el señor Rochester o Elizabeth Bennet y el señor Darcy. Amores imposibles que terminan por ser posibles por la voluntad de sus protagonistas. (Translation)
Digestivo Cultural (Brazil) discusses hatred and mentions Heathcliff. Royal Reviews discusses Wuthering Nights by I.J. Miller. El estante olvidado writes in Spanish about Jane Eyre and Scribble posts about the 2006 adaptation of the novel.


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