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Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013 8:35 am by Cristina in , ,    1 comment
Apart from today's obvious literary anniversary, we would like to remind our readers that January 28th also marks the anniversary of the publication of that unsung masterpiece that is Villette, published on a day like today in 1853.

Forty years before, though, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen had been published and many sites celebrate today and mention the Brontës too. USA Today goes for the (wrong) theory that you can't like both Austen and the Brontës:
You can divide the world into two groups: mad romantics who adore those passionate Brontë tales about women yearning for tormented psychos like Heathcliff, and more pragmatic souls who admire Elizabeth Bennet's decision to marry for love and money. (Deirdre Donahu)
The Daily Maverick quotes from Charlotte's opinion on Jane Austen while Público (Portugal) acknowledges that the works of Jane Austen and the Brontës have nothing in common, as does the Irish Times:
 In Austen’s world women do not face the Gothic terrors of the Brontës nor the sacrificial victimhood and moral censure favoured by Thomas Hardy. (Eileen Battersby)
El País' Papeles Perdidos (Spain) admits to liking both Austen and the Brontës, among other writers. And a member of the team at Madmoizelle also confesses to having a hard time choosing among Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights and North and South.

A.V. Club reviews Good Kids by Benjamin Nugent:
Nearly every film adaptation of Wuthering Heights omits the latter parts of the novel, which show how the emotional failings of one generation can wreak havoc on the next. Benjamin Nugent’s fiction debut, Good Kids, focuses on that second part, how the second generation responds to the emotional trauma and either fights against it or falls victim to it in the same way. (Kevin McFarland)
SudOuest (France) reports on a book club meeting on Wuthering Heights in Montignac.
L'ouvrage choisi, jeudi, « Les Hauts de Hurlevent » d'Emily Brontë, retrace sur deux générations les conséquences désastreuses d'un amour contrarié, celui d'Heathcliff et de Catherine. Emily Brontë se fait à la fois peintre réaliste, romancière gothique et poète du surnaturel.
Catherine Estines, professeur de langue anglaise, a présenté cette histoire d'amour impossible, unanimement considérée comme un chef-d'œuvre du XIXe siècle, puis la vie de l'auteur Emily Brontë, jeune anglaise, fille de pasteur, décédée de la tuberculose un an après la publication de cet unique roman.
Isabelle Fournier-Bertin, lauréate du Prix « Lire dans le noir » 2011 pour l'enregistrement chez Lyre audio des « Hauts de Hurlevent », a choisi de lire en français un extrait du roman illustrant la passion violente et la haine destructrice qui animent les personnages habitant ces austères demeures isolées dans les landes de bruyères au nord de l'Angleterre.
La soirée s'est terminée par une dégustation de friandises anglaises. (Pierre Fock) (Translation)
The same event was repeated in Douville.

Book Musings posts about Jane Eyre. Alexandra's Library writes in Romanian about The Professor. Gypsy Reviews discusses The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Villette! (since everyone else seems to be neglecting this book in favour of P&P)
