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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012 8:52 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Word & Film discusses 'The Indie Spirit Awards’ Most Glaring Snubs'.
In the Best Feature category, some of the more notable oversights include “The Master,” “Smashed,” “The Sessions,” “Wuthering Heights,” and “Compliance.” (Christine Spines)
Fortunately, there are people watching the film, which should be what really matters. BBC News features Ben Wheatley's Sightseers, including a funny anecdote:
Wheatley confides: "I was watching Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights the other day and I recognised the same crag that we shot on. I thought, 'Hang on - I know this rock!'" (Tim Masters)
NewcityFilm reviews it.

The Svenska Dagbladet (Sweden) has an article on Jane Eyre and its film history while China Daily USA looks at the history of dubbing in China, with milestones such as the following:
... dubbing allowed Chinese cinema audiences to become familiar with the marital predicament facing Jane Eyre and the famous "Life is like a box of chocolates" line, uttered by a wistful Forrest Gump, played by Tom Hanks. (Zhang Yuchen)
Fiona McCade discusses comics in the Scotsman:
The comics I loved used to have real stories in them. These were girls-own adventures, full of derring and one heck of a lot of do. There was just as much action and humour as in the boys’ comics and it fired my imagination.
I’d devour the Saturday weekly treat and then, inspired, I’d rush off and write and draw my own versions. OK, it wasn’t quite the Brontës, but it was a whole lot better and more creative than playing on a beeping DS all day.
Speaking of the Brontës and creativity, here's what The Telegraph says about Fifity Shades of Grey:
I hope I’m not spoiling the plot for the few souls yet to read 2012’s publishing phenomenon, Fifty Shades of Grey (Arrow, £7.99) when I tell you that Grey gets the natural filament. And what E L James’s 40 million-plus readers around the world got was, of course, some very old rope. It’s the old story in which a blushing virgin meets a rich, powerful and manipulative older man, pierces his emotional armour and marries him. It’s a depthless retread of Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 Jane Eyre meeting a body-wash-scented version of Pauline Réage’s 1954 S & M classic The Story of O. And as every reviewer has, by now, observed, it’s earnest enough, but poorly written and tedious. Readers have been less traumatised by Grey’s glinting shackles than by James’s punishing prose. Lines like: “My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves” left critics spluttering for a safe word. (Helen Brown)
Joanna Campbell Slan, author of the Jane Eyre Chronicles, whose first installment was Death of a Schoolgirl, answers a few questions on her blog:
1. What is your working title of your book (or story)? Death of a Dowager (Book #2 in The Jane Eyre Chronicles) [...]
4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? I’d love for Keira Knightley to play the part of Jane Eyre. I realize that most people would think Keira is too stunning for the part of the overlooked orphan, but when Ms. Knightley played the lead in Bend It Like Beckham, she downplayed her looks and seemed fragile.
For Mr. Rochester, I’d choose Jeremy Northam. He’s not classically attractive, and when he wants to, he can look rather rough. Also, he’s 6’2” and Edward Rochester was a tall man.
For my two “new” characters, Lucy Brayton and her brother Bruce Douglas, I would choose Renée Zellweger and Owen Wilson.
5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? All of London is abuzz in the months leading up to the coronation of King George IV. But a letter in Jane’s possession could topple the throne and cause the deaths of two innocent women. Before Jane can decide what to do, the Dowager Lady Ingram drops dead, and Jane must play amateur sleuth to solve a murder—and save an empire! (Read more)
The Atlantic features the Houses of Fiction exhibition. Jimena Novaro continues posting her thoughts on Wuthering Heights and Thoughts and Stuff also continues with the review of Jane Eyre 1983. Poutpourri Tips writes in Portuguese about Jane Eyre. Booking Mama reviews Wish You Were Eyre by Heather Vogel Frederick. Le monde de paikanne posts in French about Wuthering Heights. Hathaways of Haworth features a local Emily Brontë to be seen around Haworth in the Christmas events of the coming days.


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