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Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012 7:38 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    1 comment
The San Francisco Chronicle features Andrea Arnold and her take on Wuthering Heights.
Andrea Arnold laughs as she recalls the text she received from a friend when it was announced that she was going to direct the latest adaptation of Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights."
" 'Oh, my God, Andrea, you said you would never ever do a book, and when you do a book you pick one of the most famous books of all time. You are mad, you know that, don't you?' " Arnold recalls in conversation at the Sundance Film Festival where "Wuthering Heights" screened as a spotlight selection.
"I don't quite know what possessed me," she adds. "I felt that the shoot was incredibly hard. Everything about the process has been really tough, and I do feel like it was a really ambitious thing to do in the time I had, and it's very strange that I never saw myself doing a period film or an adaptation." (Pam Grady) (Read more)
The Daily Mail looks at James Bond actors, including Timothy Dalton:
Timothy Dalton, who followed Moore, certainly could act. He was a Shakespearean and a stage veteran of everything from Wuthering Heights to Noel Coward. But in his two outings as Bond, audiences simply couldn’t believe in the character. (Christopher Stevens)
Flavorwire lists 'The 10 Most Twisted Couples in Literature', one of which is
Catherine and Heathcliff, Wuthering Heights
The ultimate story of dark, destructive obsession, Cathy and Heathcliff manage to be endlessly cruel to one another while they cling to each other’s hearts as tightly as possible. Catherine’s bitter plea basically sums it up: “I wish I could hold you… until we were both dead.” (Emily Temple)
Reviews of a couple of just-released books with Brontë references: The Boston Globe looks at Orwell’s Cough:
Ross sniffs out a lot of Asperger cases — he suggests the high-functioning autism variant as a possible or partial diagnosis for Milton, Swift, Emily Brontë, and W.B. Yeats — and seems to go down a wrong-headed path when he argues that “[e]arly life traumas, such as parental loss, also favor literary achievement by increasing the likelihood that a mood disorder becomes manifest.” Surely we can be grateful when childhood pain fosters imagination and empathy in great writers without seeming to propose it as a useful preparation for the same. 
As we said a few days ago, Emily has been diagnosed with lots of things throughout the years. Asperger's is merely one more.

The Community Press & Recorder features the second volume of The Graphic Cannon which, as you know, includes
Kubla Khan, the Brontë Sisters, “Moby-Dick” and Oscar Wilde’s “Picture of Dorian Gray.” 
George Lucas's Star Wars saga is likened to the Brontës imaginary worlds by The Chronicle of Higher Education.
In his epochal six-film Star Wars saga, he fused ancient hero legends from East and West with futuristic science fiction and created characters who have entered the dream lives of millions. He constructed a vast, original, self-referential mythology like that of James Macpherson's pseudo-Celtic Ossian poems, which swept Europe in the late 18th century, or the Angria and Gondal story cycle spun by the Brontë children in their isolation in the Yorkshire moors. (Camille Paglia)
Author Way interviews writer Winsome Campbell-Green, a Jane Eyre fan:
8. If you were stranded on an island which book would you bring with you?
Jane Eyre…Read it over twenty times. (Gerry)
Distant Mountain Trips discusses 'What Hollywood Doesn’t Get About Jane Eyre' while RomanZine (in Portugueses) looks at several screen adaptations of the novel. Bruja con tacón de aguja (in Spanish) looks at he art references in Jane Eyre 2011. Vampire Book Club reviews Tina Connolly's Ironskin. Bookgirls Year of Challenges posts about Agnes Grey. And Flickr user Mister Oy has uploaded a few pictures taken in or around Haworth, including the moors.

1 comment:

  1. As we said a few days ago, Emily has been diagnosed with lots of things throughout the years. Asperger's is merely one more.

