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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Today, July 28 a new exhibition opens in Haddon Hall:
Jane Eyre Costume Exhibition

Featuring a selection of costumes from the three major adaptations of "Jane Eyre" filmed at Haddon Hall.

Haddon Hall has played the part of Thornfield Hall, home of the brooding Mr Rochester in no less than three adapataions of Charlotte Brontë's classic novel Jane Eyre.

To celebrate this amazing film location hat trick, we are pleased to be able to present to you the costumes from all three versions, which will be on display throughout the house, during normal opening hours.

Normal admission rates apply for this not to be missed opportunity.
Matlock Mercury has more information:
Visitors will be able to see three versions of the costumes worn by Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester, as well as a selection of other outfits and accessories in the three adaptations.
The productions, including the 1995 film directed by Franco Zefferelli, the BBC 2006 mini-series starring Ruth Wilson and the latest 2011 film directed by Cary Fukunaga and starring Mia Wasikowska, all feature Haddon Hall as Thornfield Hall.
For the first time Jenny Beavan’s designs for the 1995 film will be on display alongside the 2011 film’s costumes by Michael O’Conner and the TV mini-series’ costumes by John Bright and Andrea Galer.


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