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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011 10:02 am by M. in , ,    No comments
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune publishes an article about Stratford-upon-Avon with a mention to the Brontë Parsonage:
I've trekked up the long road in Haworth to the Brontë parsonage, which is circled by such a massive cemetery -- row after row of moss-covered, sadly tilting tombstones -- that the house seems to pop up from a village of the dead. (Raphael Kadushin)
The Sunday Leader (Sri Lanka) reviews Jane Eyre 2011:
(...) The dark and gothic like visual sense in Jane Eyre is the work of director Cary Fukunaga whose 2009 film Sin Nombre about Mexican gangs is frequently shown on cable TV in Sri Lanka and should not be missed.
Every ingredient is present to make Jane Eyre one of the best romances of the year, costumes, castles, a touch of insanity, brooding heroes and virtuous heroines; this is an absolutely beautiful film which should be watched by all. (Sumaya Samarasinghe)
Variety talks about the box office of the year specialty pictures:
Beside March release "Jane Eyre," which has cumed $11.2 million, Focus launched two first-quarter wide releases, "The Eagle" and "Hanna." But its "Beginners," which bowed in limited release on June 3, has grossed healthy totals around $3.4 million. (Andrew Stewart)
By the way, the Portsmouth Herald announces that the film will be screened free at the Portsmouth Public Library (Portsmouth, VA), next August 17.

The Missourian reviews The Heart Specialist by Claire Holden Rothman:
Quietly captivating, the tone of “The Heart Specialist” is reminiscent of English classics like “Jane Eyre.” Its voice is restrained, attuned to an era when a woman wishing to become a physician would find it difficult, at best, to realize her dream. Inspired by Maude Abbott (1869-1940), one of Canada’s first female doctors, readers will sympathize with Agnes White, a gutsy, individual who achieves her goal of becoming a pathologist with a special interest in the heart—one whose career is beset with obstacles. (Chris Stuckenschneider)
El Rincón de la Novela Romántica (in Spanish) interviews the author Florencia Bonelli:
¿Por qué te decantaste por la Novela Romántica?
(...) Aún recuerdo cuando leí una versión para niños de Jane Eyre cómo me afectó el amor que se profesaban ella y Edward Rochester, el protagonista. Creo que esa historia me marcó profundamente. (Translation)
awalkingdelight reviews this Jane Eyre audiobook; The Squeee has a guest blogger posting about her love for Wuthering Heights; Noms Away! also posts about Emily Brontë's novel; Press for Assistance imagines a (very) different future for Jane Eyre.

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