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    4 months ago

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sunday, May 09, 2010 12:02 am by M. in    3 comments
If you are an alert reader of BrontëBlog you will have noticed that some days ago we linked to yet another Brontë blog from our sidebar: Les Brontë à Paris. The author describes herself and the blog's purpose as follows:
Jeune étudiante en Communication à la Sorbonne, de formation "littéro-artistique", je suis passionnée, comme beaucoup, par l'univers de la famille Brontë. Voulant partager ma passion avec d'autres, après avoir exercé ma plume sur divers travaux personnels d'écriture et de traduction, j'ai décidé de me lancer (non sans une once de mégalomanie, avouons-le ;-)) dans la rédaction de ce blog.
Espérant qu'il vous apporte plaisir et satisfaction, Amicalement Brontësque, Marie.
It's updated very regularly and contains lots of information with special emphasis (but by no means exclusively) on French translations. If you are fluent in French and you feel Brontësque, add it to your bookmarks.



  1. Waoo! Thank you!! I'm glad you link to my blog! I'll try to keep it update as regurlarly as I'm doing now for the pleasure of both your readers and mine! I'm sorry my english must be not very good in this comment (it's usually better, of course) but i feel a little overcome just now! I'm glad you find an interest in my blog! I must add it's yours, which make me feel like running my own too, in french for french readers. A great delight though. And honour. Thank you!

  2. Marie, thanks so much for stopping by and for your enthusiasm. We were thrilled when we first discovered your blog, and it only gets better. Best of luck with it!

  3. This puts a kind of pressure on me... I must do even better! I'll try!
    As for you, I wish all the best! We keep in touch, though. :-)
