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Friday, April 09, 2010

Friday, April 09, 2010 12:02 am by M. in ,    No comments
A Jane Eyre-inspired choreography was presented last week at the OxFringe 2010 (Oxford, UK):

Between Me and You

Do we have relationships or do computers? Inspired by individuals struggling to maintain relationships at a distance, Worcester College alumna and Washington DC-based artist Stephanie Yezek with Renee Brozic Barger and Megan Morse Jans present Between Me and You, an examination of relationships through intimate contemporary dance solos and duets.
Burton Taylor Studio 31 March-3 April 6.30pm
The Oxford Times clarifies the Eyre connection:
The dancers, all from the USA, are an interesting trio: Stephanie Yezek tall slender and intense, Renee Brozic Barger elegant and rather aristocratic, and Megan Morse Jans rounded, friendly and accessible. The work is a sequence of eight short pieces on the theme of identity within a relationship, and was commissioned by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. (...)
Madwoman in the Attic is based on the character from Jane Eyre, and gives Yezek the chance to display her dramatic talents as well as her dancing skills. She starts off crouched in a corner in a slinky black dress, her face covered by the splayed fingers of both hands. Gradually she forces herself to survey her surroundings through this shield of digits, and launches into a frenetic, agonised dance, her fierce looks used here to great advantage. (David Bellan)
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