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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Thursday, November 06, 2008 4:35 pm by M. in    No comments
Several Yorkshire newspapers report the Yorkshire Tourist Board initiative of sending a gift to the new President-elect of the US, Barack Obama:
A TRADITIONAL warm Yorkshire greeting has been sent across the Pond to the new president of America.
Yorkshire Tourist Board (YTB) has acted quickly to make ties with the newly elected Barack Obama.
The tourism board has sent a bumper hamper to the US that showcases all that is best about England’s biggest county.
The international present has left UK shore’s on its trip across the Atlantic to the White House, in Washington, America.
Gary Verity, YTB chief executive, said: "It’s simple but effective.
"The best of Yorkshire in a box showcasing the different facets of Yorkshire to the world and spreading the word to the people that are listened to that Yorkshire is the number one visitor destination and a real force to be reckoned with.
"Within the hamper there is a personal invitation to Barack and his family to come and visit Yorkshire as a guest of YTB and see the wonderful diversity our region has to offer for himself.
"We have created a range of bespoke hampers which we will use to target world leaders, key influencers and trendsetters to shout loud and proud Yorkshire! over the coming months."
The hamper has been put together by YTB along with its tourism partners, donations and regional contacts. (Ian Noble in The Northern Echo)
And what will Mr Obama find in his Yorkshire bumper hamper? Picture: Yorkshire Tourist Board's Gary Verity sends a present to Barack Obama (Source)
The music CDs were among a large selection of gifts sent to the White House by another newcomer to an important role – recently appointed Yorkshire Tourist Board chief executive Gary Verity.
Other contributions to Mr Obama's bumper hamper included a copy of Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights and a Yorkshire County Cricket Club tie.
A Brideshead Revisited DVD, a book about Whitby's Bram Stoker and Dracula connections, and a bottle of beer from the Keighley-based Timothy Taylor brewery were also enclosed.
Mr Verity hopes the surprise package will persuade Mr Obama to visit Yorkshire after he formally takes office on January 20. (Rob Preece in The Yorkshire Post)
Not the first time that Wuthering Heights and President-elect Obama have been linked together.



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