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Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008 12:35 pm by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
It's a slow news day today, and we have to begin with an obituary from the Express-News from San Antonio. Its subject is Virginia Flack Sanders, who
held readings of popular works of literature, dressing as heroines of history and fiction like Queen Victoria or Jane Eyre.
“It sounds primitive, but it was extremely sophisticated for that time,” Buchanan said. “She filled a gap.” (Amber Whittaker)
We wonder if the East Bay Express mentioned Jane Eyre in this article on purpose:
Between November and February, homeowners will no longer be able to sit back and spend a pleasant evening sipping sherry and reading the adventures of Jane Eyre before a roaring fire. At least during Spare the Air days. According to the Oakland Tribune, the Bay Area air quality district has slapped a ban on active fireplaces and wood stoves when the smog is a little too nasty. First time offenders get a warning. The second time, it's castration for you. Or at least a hefty fine. (Chris Thompson)
If not, the coincidental association between Jane Eyre and fire is quite auspicious and (un?)fortunate.

The blogosphere contains a couple of rare sightings. The Good, the Bad and the Bookish reviews Cara Lockwood's Wuthering High and The Land of Squee comments - with horror - on Jane Eyre 1934. But, international as the Brontës are, this review of Jane Eyre 1996 on Passion Cinéma (in French) and this review of Wuthering Heights, the novel, on Schlaflos in Lodz (in German) are not such rare treats.

EDIT (21/10/2008):
An alert from the Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas:
Classic novel to be discussed

Sigma Tau Delta/English Club is holding a discussion of Emily Brontë's classic, "Wuthering Heights," from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21. This event is open to all PSU students. For more information or to reserve a seat, contact faculty sponsor, Melody Denny, at mdenny@pittstate.edu, or Sigma Tau Delta president Lynn Caldwell-Hurd, at LMCaldwellHurd@gmail.com. (Collegionline)
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