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Monday, June 09, 2008

Monday, June 09, 2008 12:19 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Let's begin with some news from the Brontë Society June AGM Weekend. The Brontë Parsonage Blog publishes details of last Saturday's annual lecture by Professor Heather J. Glen:
The title of the annual lecture at 11am on Saturday was The Originality of Wuthering Heights. It was given by Heather Glen, a frequent visitor to the Parsonage, who is Professor of English in the University of Cambridge. This is a very brief summary which can not do full justice to a lecture which was fresh, accessible and full of new insights for most of the audience, the obvious product of meticulous research:
She began with a focus on the fact that Emily Brontë is sometimes referred to in various terms as a ‘one-off’, a lone genius who lived in a kind of “rustic ignorance”. (Richard) (Read more)
Ravi Somaiya concludes his column in The Guardian with this comment:
So frankly, if thieves had stolen my card, they'd barely be able to afford a couple of dog-eared Roald Dahls and a copy of Wuthering Heights they'd never get round to reading.
Poetry and Pictures posts a poem dedicated to Charlotte Brontë (who introduced me to my hero, Jane Eyre. She is my inspiration) . Frivolous_Distinction has several (very) nice icons:
Close to four dozen icons this time, of various Regency fashion plates, as well as a lot of C.E. Brock illustrations for some of Jane Austen's novels. Also some illustrations by Hugh Thompson for Jane Eyre, various images of the Brontë sisters, and some Pride & Prejudice 2005 icontest entries.
The Diva's Film Screenings reviews Wuthering Heights 1939. Eli's Reader Response is reading Jane Eyre.

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