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Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007 1:41 pm by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The cartoon on the left comes from The Telegraph and Argus and we hope it will make you laugh as much as it did us.

The Sydney Morning Herald has the winners of its ninth edition of the Couch Potato Awards. The winner of the category Best imported telemovie or miniseries was ShakespeaRE-told but the recent screening of Jane Eyre 2006 made the series the Readers' choice.
Best imported telemovie or miniseries
Winner: Shakespeare Re-told (ABC)
Readers' choice: Jane Eyre (ABC)
Here are the figures.

Jane Eyre 2006 was also nominated to three categories of the 2007 Satellite Awards. The ceremony took place yesterday and according to Alternative Film Guide Jane Eyre didn't win any of the three it was nominated to :(

Rosa Silveiro talks to writer Taty Hernández (in Spanish) and she mentions Emily Brontë as one of the authors who have influenced her work.

Tomokilog is also fascinated by Emily Brontë, particularly by Wuthering Heights. Several posters/covers of different takes on Wuthering Heights are posted. A fragment from the novel is also posted in several languages.

As we have posted before, Emily Brontë makes a cameo in Godard's 1967 film Weekend. Nighthawk Postcards discusses the film and this appearance.

And finally Dovegreyreader is reading The Sickroom in Victorian Fiction. The Art of Being Ill by Miriam Bailin.
'The pervasive presence of the sickroom scene in Victorian fiction' just mention the words and suddenly I'm noticing sickrooms all over the place and sitting up and taking more notice of what's going in them. It's not just about women writers employing particular diseases that reflected women's social roles, like anorexia or a touch of hysteria, oh no indeed and it's not just the women writers who used the device.Thackeray, Dickens and Kingsley took their characters to the sickroom as often as Bronte, Eliot and Gaskell.
Do read the whole post because it's truly worth it.

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